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FORM GSTR-1: Details of outward supplies of goods or services

by | Jul 23, 2024 | GST, Forms | 0 comments

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Important Keyword: FORM GSTR-1, outward supplies, goods or services.


[See rule (59(1)]

Details of outward supplies of goods or services
1. GSTIN               
2.(a)Legal name of the registered person 
 (b)Trade name, if any 
3.(a)Aggregate Turnover in the preceding Financial Year             
 (b)Aggregate Turnover – April to June, 2017             

4.  Taxable outward supplies made to registered persons (including UIN-holders) other than supplies covered by Table 6

(Amount in Rs. for all Tables)

5.   Taxable outward inter-State supplies to un-registered persons where the invoice value is more than Rs 2.5 lakh

Place of Supply (State/UT)Invoice detailsRateTaxable ValueAmunt
No.DateValueIntegrated TaxCess
5A. Outward supplies (other than supplies made through e-commerce operator, rate wise)
5B. Supplies made through e-commerce operator attracting TCS (operator wise, rate wise)
GSTIN of e-commerce operator

1[6. Zero rated supplies and Deemed Exports

GSTI N of recipentInvoice detailsShippig bill/ Bill of exportIntegrated TaxCentral TaxState / UT TaxCe ss
No.Da teVal ueN o.Da teRa teTaxa ble valueA mt.Ra teTaxa ble valueA mtRa teTaxa ble valueA mt 
6A. Exports
6B. Supplies made to SEZ unit or SEZ Developer
6C. Deemed exports

7.  Taxable supplies (Net of debit notes and credit notes) to unregistered persons other than the supplies covered in Table 5

Rate of taxTotal Taxable valueAmount
IntegratedCentralState Tax/UT TaxCess
7A. Intra-State supplies
7A (1). Consolidated rate wise outward supplies [including supplies made through e-commerce operator attracting TCS]
7A (2). Out of supplies mentioned at 7A(1), value of supplies made through e-Commerce Operators attracting TCS(operator wise, rate wise)
GSTIN of e-commerce operator 
7B. Inter-State Supplies where invoice value is uptoRs 2.5 Lakh [Rate wise]
7B (1). Place of Supply (Name of State) 
7B (2). Out of the supplies mentioned in 7B (1), the supplies made through e-Commerce Operators (operator wise, rate wise)
GSTIN of e-commerce operator 
  • Nil rated, exempted and non GST outward supplies
DescriptionNil Rated SuppliesExempted (Other than Nil rated/non- GST supply)Non-GST supplies
8A. Inter-State supplies to registered persons   
8B. Intra- State supplies to registered persons   
8C. Inter-State supplies to unregistered persons   
8D. Intra-State supplies to unregistered persons   

-+-79.  Amendments to taxable outward supply details furnished in returns for earlier tax periods in Table 4, 5 and 6 [including debit notes, credit notes, refund vouchers issued during current period and amendments thereof]

Details of original documentRevised details of document or details of original Debit/Credit Notes or refund vouchersRateTaxable ValueAmountPlace of supply
GSTINInv. No.Inv. DateGSTINInvoiceShipping billValueIntegrated TaxCentral TaxState / UT TaxCess
No  Date  No.Date
9A. If the invoice/Shipping bill details furnished earlier were incorrect
9B. Debit Notes/Credit Notes/Refund voucher [original]
9C. Debit Notes/Credit Notes/Refund voucher [amendments thereof]
  1. Amendments to taxable outward supplies to unregistered persons furnished in returns for earlier tax periods in Table 7
Rate of taxTotal Taxable valueAmount
IntegratedCentralState/UT TaxCess
Tax period for which the details are being revised<Month>
10A. Intra-State Supplies[including supplies made through e-commerce operator attracting TCS] [Rate wise]
10A (1). Out of supplies mentioned at 10A, value of supplies made through e-Commerce Operators attracting TCS (operator wise, rate wise)
GSTIN of e-commerce operator 
10B. Inter-State Supplies[including supplies made through e-commerce operator attracting TCS] [Rate wise]
Place of Supply (Name of State) 
10B (1). Out of supplies mentioned at 10B, value of supplies made through e-Commerce Operators attracting TCS (operator wise, rate wise)
GSTIN of e-commerce operator 
  1. Consolidated Statement of Advances Received/Advance adjusted in the current tax period/ Amendments of information furnished in earlier tax period
RateGross Advance Received/adjustedPlace of supplyAmount
IntegratedCentral  State/UTCess
12(Name of 34567
I Information for the current tax period
11A.     Advance amount received in the tax period for which invoice has not been issued (tax amount to be added to output tax liability)
11A (1). Intra-State supplies(Rate Wise)
11A (2). Inter-State Supplies(Rate Wise)
11B. Advance amount received in earlier tax period and adjusted against the supplies being shown in this tax period in Table Nos. 4, 5, 6 and 7
11B (1). Intra-State Supplies (Rate Wise)
11B (2). Inter-State Supplies(Rate Wise)
II Amendment of information furnished in Table No. 11[1] in GSTR-1 statement for earlier tax periods[Furnish revised information]
Month         Amendment relating to information11A(1)  11A(2)11B(1)11B(2)
          furnished in S. No.(select)    

12.  HSN-wise summary of outward supplies

Sr. No.HSNDescription (Optional if HSN is provided)UQCTotal Quantity2[Rate of Tax]Total Taxable ValueAmount
Integrated TaxCentral TaxState/UT TaxCess
  1. Documents issued during the tax period
Sr. No.Nature of documentSr. No.Total numberCancelledNet issued
1Invoices for outward supply     
2Invoices for inward supply from unregistered person     
3Revised Invoice     
4Debit Note     
5Credit Note     
6Receipt voucher     
7Payment Voucher     
8Refund voucher     
9Delivery Challan for job work     
10Delivery Challan for supply on approval     
11Delivery Challan in case of liquid gas     
12Delivery Challan in cases other than by way of supply (excluding at S no. 9 to 11)     

I hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the information given herein above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed there from and in case of any reduction in output tax liability the benefit thereof has been/will be passed on to the recipient of supply.

Signature Place

Name of Authorised Signatory ….……………………


Designation /Status……………………………………

Instructions –

  1. Terms used:
    • GSTIN: Goods and Services Tax Identification Number
    • UIN: Unique Identity Number
    • UQC: Unit Quantity Code
    • HSN: Harmonized System of Nomenclature
    • POS: Place of Supply (Respective State)
    • B to B: From one registered person to another registered person
    • B to C: From registered person to unregistered person
  2. The details in GSTR-1 should be furnished by 10thof the month succeeding the relevant tax period.
  3. Aggregate turnover of the taxpayer for the immediate preceding financial year and first quarter of the current financial year shall be reported in the preliminary information in Table
  4. This information would be required to be submitted by the taxpayers only in the first year. Quarterly turnover information shall not be captured in subsequent returns. Aggregate turnover shall be auto-populated in subsequent years.
  5. Invoice-level information pertaining to the tax period should be reported for all supplies as under:
    • For all B to B supplies (whether inter-State or intra-State), invoice level details, rate-wise, should be uploaded in Table 4, including supplies attracting reverse charge and those effected through e-commerce operator. Outwards supply information in these categories are to be furnished separately in the Table.
    • For all inter-State B to C supplies, where invoice value is more than Rs. 2,50,000/- (B to C Large) invoice level details, rate-wise, should be uploaded in Table 5; and
    • For all B to C supplies (whether inter-State or intra-State) where invoice value is up to Rs. 2,50,000/- State-wise summary of supplies, rate-wise, should be uploaded in Table 7.
  6. Table 4 capturing information relating to B to B supplies should:be captured in:
    • Table 4A for supplies relating to other than reverse charge/ made through e-commerce operator, rate-wise;
    • Table 4B for supplies attracting reverse charge, rate-wise; and
    • Table 4C relating to supplies effected through e-commerce operator attracting collection of tax at source under section 52 of the Act, operator wise and rate-wise.
    • Capture Place of Supply (PoS) only if the same is different from the location of the recipient.
  7. Table 5 to capture information of B to C Large invoices and other information shall be similar to Table 4. The Place of Supply (PoS) column is mandatory in this table.
  • Table 6 to capture information related to:
    • Exports out of India
    • Supplies to SEZ unit/ and SEZ developer
    • Deemed Exports
  • Table 6 needs to capture information about shipping bill and its date. However, if the shipping bill details are not available, Table 6 will still accept the information. The same can be updated through submission of information in relation to amendment Table 9 in the tax period in which the details are available but before claiming any refund / rebate related to the said invoice. The detail of Shipping Bill shall be furnished in 13 digits capturing port code (six digits) followed by number of shipping bill.
  • Any supply made by SEZ to DTA, without the cover of a bill of entry is required to be reported by SEZ unit in GSTR-1. The supplies made by SEZ on cover of a bill of entry shall be reported by DTA unit in its GSTR-2 as imports in GSTR-2. The liability for payment of IGST in respect of supply of services would, be created from this Table..
  • In case of export transactions, GSTIN of recipient will not be there. Hence it will remain blank.
  • Export transactions effected without payment of IGST (under Bond/ Letter of Undertaking (LUT)) needs to be reported under ―0‖ tax amount heading in Table 6A and 6B.
  • Table 7 to capture information in respect of taxable supply of:
    • B to C supplies (whether inter-State or intra-State)with invoice value upto Rs


  • Taxable value net of debit/ credit note raised in a particular tax period and

information pertaining to previous tax periods which was not reported earlier, shall be reported in Table 10. Negative value can be mentioned in this table, if required;

  • Transactions effected through e-commerce operator attracting collection of tax at source under section 52 of the Act to be provided operator wise and rate wise;
    • Table 7A (1) to capture gross intra-State supplies, rate-wise, including supplies made through e-commerce operator attracting collection of tax at source and Table 7A (2) to capture supplies made through e-commerce operator attracting collection of tax at source out of gross supplies reported in Table 7A (1);
    • Table 7B (1) to capture gross inter-State supplies including supplies made through e-commerce operator attracting collection of tax at source and Table 7B (2) to capture supplies made through e-commerce operator attracting collection of tax at source out of gross supplies reported in Table 7B (1); and
    • Table 7B to capture information State wise and rate wise.
  • Table 9 to capture information of:
    • Amendments of B to B supplies reported in Table 4, B to C Large supplies reported in Table 5 and Supplies involving exports/ SEZ unit or SEZ developer / deemed exports reported in Table 6;
    • Information to be captured rate-wise;
    • It also captures original information of debit / credit note issued and amendment to it reported in earlier tax periods; While furnishing information the original debit note/credit note, the details of invoice shall be mentioned in the first three columns, While furnishing revision of a debit note/credit note, the details of original debit note/credit note shall be mentioned in the first three columns of this Table, recipient;
  • Place of Supply (PoS) only if the same is different from the location of the
  • Any debit/ credit note pertaining to invoices issued before the appointed day

under the existing law also to be reported in this table; and

  • Shipping bill to be provided only in case of exports transactions amendment.
  • Table 10 is similar to Table 9 but captures amendment information related to B to C supplies and reported in Table 7.
  • Table 11A captures information related to advances received, rate-wise, in the tax period and tax to be paid thereon along with the respective PoS. It also includes information in Table 11B for adjustment of tax paid on advance received and reported in earlier tax periods against invoices issued in the current tax period. The details of information relating to advances would be submitted only if the invoice has not been issued in the same tax period in which the advance was received.
  • Summary of supplies effected against a particular HSN code to be reported only in summary table. It will be optional for taxpayers having annual turnover upto Rs. 1.50 Cr but they need to provide information about description of goods.
  • It will be mandatory to report HSN code at two digits level for taxpayers having annual turnover in the preceding year above Rs. 1.50 Cr but upto Rs. 5.00 Cr and at four digits level for taxpayers having annual turnover above Rs. 5.00 Cr.

3[18. It will be mandatory to specify the number of digits of HSN code for goods or services that a class of registered persons shall be required to mention as may be specified in the notification issued from time to time under proviso to rule 46 of the said rules.]

  1. Substituted vide Notification No. 70/2017-CT dated 21.12.2017.
  2. Substituted vide Notification No. 79/2020 – CT dated 15.10.2020 for the words “Total Value.”.
  3. Inserted vide Notification No. 82/2020-CT dated 10.11.2020.

Read More: NOTIFICATION No. 11/2024-Central Tax: Seeks to amend Notification No. 02/2017-CT dated 19th June, 2017 to assign district of Kotputli-Behror to CGST Alwar Commissionerate

Web Stories: NOTIFICATION No. 11/2024-Central Tax: Seeks to amend Notification No. 02/2017-CT dated 19th June, 2017 to assign district of Kotputli-Behror to CGST Alwar Commissionerate

Official Income Tax Return filing website: https://incometaxindia.gov.in/


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