To download your Tradebook from Angel Broking, follow these steps:

Log in to your Angel Broking portal: Open your web browser and go to the Angel Broking website. Enter your username and password to log in. Go to Reports: Once logged in, navigate to the Reports section from the dashboard. Go to Transactional Reports: From the Reports dropdown, select "Transactional Reports."

Select Ledger and Apply Filters: In the Transactional Reports section, select "Ledger" from the dropdown menu. Apply any necessary filters, such as date range or specific segments like Equity, Futures, Options, etc. Download the Excel Sheet: After applying the filters, click on the option to download the ledger in Excel format.

Select Ledger and Apply Filters: In the Transactional Reports section, select "Ledger" from the dropdown menu. Apply any necessary filters, such as date range or specific segments like Equity, Futures, Options, etc. Download the Excel Sheet: After applying the filters, click on the option to download the ledger in Excel format.

View the Downloaded Ledger: The ledger will be downloaded to your PC. You can open and view it using any spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. These steps will guide you through downloading your Tradebook (Ledger) from Angel Broking, which is essential for preparing your Profit & Loss statement for income tax purposes.