Key Amendments in Union Territory Tax Rates

Revision of hotel accommodation supply criteria, setting the value between one thousand and seven thousand five hundred rupees per unit per day. Adjustment in restaurant service tax rate to 2.5%, excluding specified premises and input tax credit. Introduction of tax rate for supply of goods, food, or drink by Indian Railways, and outdoor catering services.

Inclusion of composite supply of outdoor catering with premises renting, subject to similar tax conditions. Modification of entry for accommodation, food, and beverage services, clarifying taxation for various service categories. Addition of vehicles with operators under serial number 10, and removal of "without" from item (iii).

Omission of item (iv) and (vii) under serial number 15, streamlining tax categories. Revision of leasing or rental services entry, excluding specific categories mentioned. Addition of professional, technical, and business services related to exploration, mining, or drilling of petroleum or natural gas under serial number 21.

Inclusion of support services to agriculture, forestry, and fishing under serial number 24. Modification of product coverage under serial number 26, specifying exclusion of diamonds in clause (c).

These amendments, effective immediately, aim to provide clarity and alignment with evolving business dynamics and tax regulations.