Register Your DSC On the Income Tax e-Filing Portal

Digital Signature Certificate (DSC): The DSC acts as an electronic signature for taxpayers on the Income Tax e-Filing portal, verifying their identity digitally. Actions on e-Filing Platform: Users can register, re-register, or re-register expired DSCs, including those of their principal contacts.

Prerequisites: Registered user on the e-Filing portal. Downloaded and installed em-Signer utility. USB token from a Certifying Authority Provider. Active, non-revoked Class 2 or Class 3 DSC.

Download & Install Embridge: Visit the income tax portal. Go to downloads > DSC Management utility. Download and extract the emBridge utility. Install the software, selecting the destination location and finishing the setup. DSC Certificate Installation Procedure: Attach the DSC token. Follow installation prompts: select language, installation location, Private CSP option, and finish.

Change PIN for DSC Certificate Token Manager: Launch e-Pass software. Click "Change User PIN" and follow prompts. Steps to Register DSC: Login to e-Filing portal. Go to "My Profile" and select "Register DSC" from the left sidebar. Choose Provider, Certificate, and enter Provider Password. Click "Sign" and upon successful validation, a confirmation message will appear.