Navigating Foreign Income Reporting in Indian Tax Returns

Introduction: Investors holding foreign assets face dual tax obligations, requiring careful reporting in their Indian tax returns. Schedule FSI (Foreign Source Income): Mandated for resident Indians earning income from abroad, excluding losses.

Schedule TR (Tax Relief): Allows residents to claim credit for taxes paid abroad to avoid double taxation. Liability to File: Resident individuals with foreign income must report under Schedule FSI and disclose relief details in Schedule TR.

Illustrative Example: Ms. Diya reports dividends from foreign shares in Schedule FSI and claims tax credit using Form 67 in Schedule TR. Relevant Reporting Period: Taxpayers should report foreign incomes earned during the financial year (April 1st to March 31st).

Key Filing Guidelines: Ensure accuracy in income and taxes, disclose foreign assets in Schedule FA, categorize incomes correctly, and enter DTAA article numbers accurately.