Income Tax Department's E-Campaign: Your Guide to Compliance

Income Tax Department utilizes data sources for taxpayer cross-verification. E-Campaign tab on the compliance portal engages taxpayers proactively. Tax department reaches out via emails, SMS, calls, notices for feedback. Various financial transactions are scrutinized, including TCS, TDS, SFT.

SMS notifications sent for non-filing, discrepancies, and even correctly filed returns. Taxpayers expected to provide feedback on identified issues promptly. Steps outlined for accessing and submitting responses on the e-compliance portal.

For Preliminary Response: Taxpayers asked initial questions about campaign-type issues. Queries cover non-filing of returns, high-value transactions, etc. Responses help resolve queries efficiently and ensure compliance.

For Feedback on AIS: Taxpayers review and provide feedback on AIS information. Options include confirming accuracy, highlighting discrepancies, denials. Feedback crucial for ensuring correctness of financial data and compliance.