Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY): Securing the Future of Girl Children

Purpose and Introduction: Launched under "Beti Bachao Beti Padhao", SSY encourages savings for girls' education and marriage. Financial Inclusion: Parents can open an SSY account for girls under 10 years at banks or post offices.

Deposit Details: Start with INR 250, up to INR 1,50,000 annually in multiples of INR 100. Interest and Tenure: Earns 8.2% interest compounded annually; matures after 21 years or at marriage after 18.

Tax Benefits: Contributions qualify for Section 80C deductions; interest and maturity proceeds are tax-exempt. Account Management: Managed by guardians until the girl child turns 18, after which she takes over.

Withdrawal and Closure: Partial withdrawals allowed for higher education after 18; account can be closed upon maturity or marriage. Documentation and Transfers: Requires birth certificate, identity, and address proofs; account transfer between banks/post offices is feasible.