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Circular No. 224/18/2024 – GST: Guidelines for recovery of outstanding dues, in cases wherein first appeal has been disposed of, till Appellate Tribunal comes into operation.

Doubts have been raised by the trade and the field formations in respect of recovery of outstanding dues, in cases where the first appellate authority has confirmed the demand created by the adjudicating authority,

Circular No. 225/19/2024-GST: Clarification on various issues pertaining to taxability and valuation of supply of services of providing corporate guarantee between related persons.

As per the recommendations of the GST Council, sub-rule (2) was inserted in Rule 28 of Central Goods and Services Tax Rules, 2017 (hereinafter referred to as the “CGST Rules”)

Circular No. 226/20/2024-GST: Mechanism for refund of additional Integrated Tax (IGST) paid on account of upward revision in price of the goods subsequent to export.

Representations have been received from trade/ industry requesting for prescribing a mechanism for seeking refund of additional IGST paid on account of upward revision in price of goods subsequent to export.

Circular No. 227/21/2024-GST: Processing of refund applications filed by Canteen Stores Department (CSD).

The CSD, who wants to wants to file an application for refund under section 55 of CGST Act, in cases where the refund is claimed of fifty per cent of the applicable central tax,

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