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Application to the Appellate Authority under sub-section (2) of Section 107

Designation and address of the officer passing the order appealed against-
Date of communication of the order appealed against-

Acknowledgment for submission of appeal

Your appeal has been successfully filed against

Appeal to Appellate Authority

Details of payment of admitted amount and pre-deposit (pre-deposit 10% of the disputed tax and cess but not exceeding Rs.25 crore each in respect of CGST, SGST or cess, or not exceeding Rs.50 crore in respect of IGST and Rs.25 crore in respect of cess)

Appeal to the Appellate Authority for Advance Ruling

In view of the foregoing, it is respectfully prayed that the Ld. Appellate Authority, may be pleased to: set aside/modify the impugned advance ruling passed by the Authority for Advance Ruling as prayed above;

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