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Corrigendum to Circular No. 97/16/2019-GST

by | Dec 15, 2023 | GST, 2019 Circulars, Circulars, Circulars CGST 2019 | 0 comments

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Important Keyword: CBEC/20/16/4/2018-GST (Pt. I), Circular No. 97/16/2019-GST, Rule 3(3) CGST rules, F. No. CBEC/20/16/4/2018-GST.

CBEC/20/16/4/2018-GST (Pt. I)
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs
GST Policy Wing

New Delhi, Dated the 29th July, 2019

Circular No. 97/16/2019-GST


The Principal Chief Commissioners/ Chief Commissioners/ Principal Commissioners/ Commissioners of Central Tax (All)
The Principal Director Generals/ Director Generals (All) Madam/Sir,

Subject: Corrigendum to Circular No. 97/16/2019-GST dated 5th April, 2019 issued vide F. No. CBEC/20/16/4/2018-GST (Pt. I), as amended vide Corrigendum dated 01.07.2019 – reg.

In para 2(i) of the Circular No. 97/16/2019-GST dated 5th April 2019, as amended vide Corrigendum dated 01.07.2019,


“(i) a registered person who wants to   opt for payment   of central tax @ 3% by availing the benefit of the said notification, may do so by filing intimation in the manner specified in sub- rule 3 of rule 3 of the said rules in FORM GST CMP-02 by selecting the category of registered person as “Any other supplier eligible for composition levy” as listed at Sl. No. 5(iii) of the said form, latest by 31st July, 2019. Such person shall also furnish a statement in FORM GST ITC-03 in accordance with the provisions of sub-rule (3) of rule 3 of the said rules.”


“(i) a registered person who wants to   opt for payment   of central tax @ 3% by availing the benefit of the said notification, may do so by filing intimation in the manner specified in sub- rule 3 of rule 3 of the said rules in FORM GST CMP-02 by selecting the category of registered person as “Any other supplier eligible for composition levy” as listed at Sl. No. 5(iii) of the said form, latest by 30th September, 2019. Such person shall also furnish a statement in FORM GST ITC-03 in accordance with the provisions of sub-rule (3) of rule 3 of the said rules.”

2. It is requested that suitable trade notices may be issued to publicize the contents of this Circular.

3. Difficulty, if any, in implementation of this Circular may please be brought to the notice of the Board. Hindi version would follow.

(Upender Gupta)
Pr. Commissioner (GST)

Read More: Corrigendum to Circular No. 97/16/2019-GST

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