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Documents required for Income Tax Return filing in India

by | May 12, 2024 | Income Tax, Income Tax filing | 0 comments

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Important Keyword: Aadhaar, Business and Profession Income, Capital Gains, Income from House Property, Income Source, ITR Documents, ITR Form, Salary Income, Tax Saving Investments.

Documents required for Income Tax Return filing in India

Income Tax Return (ITR) forms vary depending on the taxpayer’s sources of income. Specific documents are necessary for filing the ITR.

Additional documents required may vary depending on the taxpayer’s income situation. These documents do not need to be submitted to the Income Tax Department during the filing of the Income Tax Return since ITR forms are annexure-less. However, if a taxpayer receives a notice from the Income Tax Department, such documents may be required to be submitted.

List of Basic Documents required for filing the Income Tax Return – ITR

Here’s a breakdown of the essential documents required for filing an Income Tax Return (ITR) in India, based on different income heads:

Salary Income/ Pension Income:
  • Form 16
  • Salary Slips (if Form 16 is unavailable)
  • Pension Statement/ Passbook
House Property Income:
  • Property Address
  • Rent Agreement
  • Co-ownership details for co-owned property
  • Municipal Tax Receipts
  • Form 16A (if TDS is deducted on rental income)
  • Home loan repayment certificate/ Interest Certificate from the bank
  • Pre-Construction Interest Details
Capital Gains Income:
  • Sales and Purchase deed, stamp duty valuation (for sale of land/ building)
  • Details of Improvement cost
  • Details of expenses related to the transfer of capital assets
  • Proof of cost of the asset, cost of improvement, and sales receipts (for movable assets)
  • Details of investments made to claim exemptions
  • Capital Gains Deposit Account details (if applicable)
  • For shares & securities: Trading statement/ Stock Ledger/ Contract Notes
Business and Professional Income:
  • Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Statement
  • Bank Account Statement/ Passbook
  • Supporting documents for expenses incurred
  • Cash Register
  • Any other documents required to maintain business & profession books of accounts
  • Audit Report (if profit from business is less than 8% of Total Turnover)
Income from Other Sources:
  • Total interest income earned from savings/ current account
  • Interest certificate from deposits/ Bonds/ NSC
  • PPF Account Statement/ Passbook
  • Dividend Warrants/ counterfoils
  • Proof of details of receipt of any other incomes
  • Rent Agreement (in case of let out machinery)

These documents provide comprehensive support for accurate tax filing across various income categories.

Documents Required for Tax Saving Investments (Section 80)

For individuals seeking tax-saving investment opportunities, certain documents play a crucial role in claiming deductions. Here’s a list of documents essential for tax-saving investments:

ELSS/ ULIP/ NSC Investment Details:

  • Documents confirming investment in Equity Linked Savings Schemes (ELSS), Unit Linked Insurance Plans (ULIP), or National Savings Certificate (NSC).

PPF Account Passbook/ Statement:

  • Passbook or statement reflecting transactions and balances in the Public Provident Fund (PPF) account.

Life/Medical Insurance Receipts:

  • Receipts or premium payment details for life insurance policies or medical insurance plans.

Details of Tax-Saving FD:

  • Information related to investments in Tax-Saving Fixed Deposits, including deposit receipts and interest certificates.

National Pension Scheme Investment Details:

  • Documentation supporting contributions made to the National Pension Scheme (NPS).

Senior Citizen Saving Scheme Investment Details:

  • Documentation pertaining to investments in the Senior Citizen Saving Scheme (SCSS).

Donation Receipts:

  • Receipts or certificates acknowledging donations made to eligible charitable organizations.

Children Tuition Fees Paid Receipts:

  • Receipts confirming payment of tuition fees for children’s education.

Repayment Certificate for Home Loan/ Education Loan:

  • Certificate or statement from the lending institution confirming repayment of home loan or education loan, eligible for tax deduction.

Certificate from Specified Medical Authorities in Case of Disability:

  • Certification from designated medical authorities validating disability for claiming tax benefits.

Receipts/Proof of Any Other Tax-Saving Investments/Contributions:

  • Supporting documents for other tax-saving investments or contributions made during the financial year.

Documents Required for Foreign Income and Foreign Investments:

  • Details of foreign income earned and taxes deducted, if applicable.
  • Information regarding assets held outside India, including foreign bank accounts.

These documents serve as evidence of tax-saving investments and contributions, facilitating the process of claiming deductions while filing income tax returns.

Read More: Section 139(5): Revised Return

Web Stories: Section 139(5): Revised Return

Official Income Tax Return filing website: https://incometaxindia.gov.in/

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