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FORM GST REG-13: Application/Form for grant of Unique Identity Number (UIN) to UN Bodies/ Embassies /others

by | Jul 18, 2024 | GST, Forms | 0 comments

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Important Keyword: GST, CGST, IGST, FORM GST REG-13, Unique Identity Number.


[See Rule 17]

Application/Form for grant of Unique Identity Number (UIN) to UN Bodies/ Embassies /others

State /UT –                     District –


(i)Name of the Entity 
(ii)Permanent Account Number (PAN) of entity (Not applicable for entities specified in clause (a) of sub-section (9) of section 25 of the Act) 
(iii)Name of the Authorised Signatory 
(iv)PAN of Authorised Signatory (Not applicable for entities specified in clause (a) of sub-section (9) of section 25 of the Act) 
(v)Email Address of the Authorised Signatory 
(vi)Mobile Number of the Authorised Signatory (+91) 


1.Type of Entity (Choose one)UN Body              Embassy             Other Person
2A.Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India‘ Recommendation (if applicable)Letter No.Date
3.Notification detailsNotification No.Date
4.2[Address of the entity in respect of which the centralized UIN is sought]
Building No./Flat No.Floor No.
Name of the Premises/BuildingRoad/Street
StatePIN Code
 Contact Information 
Email Address Telephone number 
Fax Number Mobile Number 
7.Details of Authorized Signatory, if applicable
ParticularsFirst NameMiddle NameLast name
Name of Father   
Date of BirthDD/MM/YYYYGender<Male, Female, Other>
Mobile Number Email address 
Telephone No. 
Designation /Status Director                  Identification Number (if any) 
PAN (Not applicable for entities specified in clause (a) of subsection (9) of section 25 of the Act) Aadhaar Number (Not applicable for entities specified in clause (a) of subsection (9) of section 25 of the Act) 
Are you a citizen of India?Yes / NoPassport No. (in case of foreigners) 
Residential Address
Building No/Flat No Floor No 
Name of the Premises/Building Road/Street 
Town/City/Village District 
State PIN Code      
8Bank Account Details (add more if required)
Account Number Type of Account 
 IFSC Bank Name 
Branch Address 
9.Documents Uploaded The authorized person who is in possession of the documentary evidence shall upload the scanned copy of such documents including the copy of resolution / power of attorney, authorizing the applicant to represent the entity. Or The proper officer who has collected the documentary evidence from the applicant shall upload the scanned copy of such documents including the copy of resolution / power of attorney, authorizing the applicant to represent the UN Body / Embassy etc. in India and link it along with the UIN generated and allotted to respective UN Body/ Embassy etc.
11.Verification I hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the information given herein above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therefrom.
Place: (Signature)
Date: Name of Authorized Person:
    Place: (Signature) Name of Proper Officer:
Date: Designation:
Instructions for submission of application for registration for UN Bodies/ Embassies/others notified by the Government.
  • 3[Every person required to obtain a unique identity number shall submit the application electronically or otherwise].
  • Application shall be filed through Common Portal or registration can be granted suo moto by proper officer.
  • The application filed on the Common Portal is required to be signed electronically or through any other mode as specified by the Government.
  • The details of the person authorized by the concerned entity to sign the refund application or otherwise, should be filled up against the “Authorised Signatory details” in the application.
  • PAN / Aadhaar will not be applicable for entities specified in clause (a) of subsection (9) of section 25 of the Act.
  1. Inserted by Notification No. 31/2019-CT dated 28.06.2019.
  2. Substituted for “State” vide Notification No. 75/2017-CT dated 29.12.2017.
  3. Inserted vide Notification No. 75/2017-CT dated 29.12.2017.

Read More: NOTIFICATION No. 11/2024-Central Tax: Seeks to amend Notification No. 02/2017-CT dated 19th June, 2017 to assign district of Kotputli-Behror to CGST Alwar Commissionerate

Web Stories: NOTIFICATION No. 11/2024-Central Tax: Seeks to amend Notification No. 02/2017-CT dated 19th June, 2017 to assign district of Kotputli-Behror to CGST Alwar Commissionerate

Official Income Tax Return filing website: https://incometaxindia.gov.in/

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