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GST Return Filing Starts Only

FORM-GST-RFD-01: Application for Refund

by | Jul 14, 2024 | GST, Forms | 0 comments

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Important Keyword: GST, CGST, SGST, FORM-GST-RFD-01, Application for Refund.


[See rule 89(1)]

Application for Refund

(Applicable for casual or non-resident taxable person, tax deductor, tax collector, unregistered person and other registered taxable person)

1.GSTIN / Temporary ID 
2.Legal Name 
3.Trade Name, if any 
5.Tax period (if applicable)From <Year><Month>To<Year><Month> 
6.Amount of Refund Claimed (Rs.)ActTaxInterestPenaltyFeesOthersTotal
Central tax      
State                 / UT tax      
Integrated tax      
7.Grounds of refund claim (select from drop down)(a)Excess balance in Electronic Cash Ledger
(b)Exports of services- with payment of tax
(c)Exports of goods / services- without payment of tax (accumulated ITC)
(d)On account of order
   Sr. No.Type                 of orderOrder no.Order dateOrder IssuingPayment reference
 Assessment  Authorityno.,      if any
   (ii)Finalization of Provisional assessment    
(iv)Any       other order (specify)    
(e)ITC accumulated due to inverted tax structure [clause (ii) of first proviso to section 54(3)]
(f)On account of supplies made to SEZ unit/ SEZ developer (with payment of tax)
(g)On account of supplies made to SEZ unit/ SEZ developer (without payment of tax)
(h)Recipient of deemed export supplies/ Supplier of deemed export supplies
(i)Tax paid on a supply which is not provided, either wholly or partially, and for which invoice has not been issued (tax paid on advance payment)
(j)Tax paid on an intra-State supply which is subsequently held to be inter-State supply and vice versa(change of POS)
(k)Excess payment of tax, if any
(l)Any other (specify)
8.Details of Bank accountName of bankAddress of branchIFSCType of accountAccount No.
9.Whether     Self-Declaration    filed                   by Applicant u/s 54(4), if applicableYes                                     No
Text Box: [DECLARATION [second proviso to section 54(3)]
I hereby declare that the goods exported are not subject to any export duty. I also declare that I have not availed any drawback of central excise duty/service tax/central tax on goods or services or both and that I have not claimed refund of the integrated tax paid on supplies in respect of which refund is claimed.
Signature Name –
Designation / Status]


I hereby undertake to pay back to the Government the amount of refund sanctioned along with interest in case it is found subsequently that the requirements of clause (c) of subsection (2) of section 16 read with sub-section (2) of section 42 of the CGST/SGST Act have not been complied with in respect of the amount refunded.

Signature Name –
Designation /Status
Text Box: SELF- DECLARATION [rule 89(2)(l)]

I	_ (Applicant) having GSTIN/ temporary Id	, solemnly affirm
and certify that in respect of the refund amounting to Rs	/ with respect to the tax, interest,
or any other amount for the period from---to----, claimed in the refund application, the incidence of such tax and interest has not been passed on to any other person.

Signature Name –
Designation / Status

(This Declaration is not required to be furnished by applicants, who are claiming refund under clause (a) or clause (b) or clause (c) or clause (d) or clause (f) of sub-section (8) of section 54.)
Annexure-1 Statement -1 [rule 89(5)]

Refund Type: ITC accumulated due to inverted tax structure [clause (ii) of first proviso to section 54(3)]

(Amount in Rs.)

Turnover of inverted rated supply of goods and servicesTax payable on such inverted rated supply of goods and servicesAdjusted total turnoverNet input tax creditMaximum refund amount to be claimed [(1×4÷3)-2]
4[Statement 1A [rule 89(2)(h)]

Refund Type: ITC accumulated due to inverted tax structure [clause (ii) of first proviso to section 54(3)]

 Details of documents of inward supplies received on inputs receivedTax paid on inward suppliesDetails of documents of outward supplies issuedTax paid on outward supplies
Sl. N oTy pe of In wa rd Su pp lyG S TI N of Su pp l ier /STyp e of Doc um entNo ./B /EPo rt Co deDa teTax able VaInte grat ed TaxCent ral TaxState/ UT TaxType of Outw ard Su ppl yType of Docu mentN o .Da teTaxa ble Va lueInte gr ated TaxCent ral TaxState/ UT Tax
123456789101112131 41516171819
           B2B/ B2C          ―;
5[Statement- 2 [rule 89(2) (c)]

Refund Type: Export of services with payment of tax 6[****]

Sr. No .Document DetailsIntegrated TaxCessBRC/FIRC
Type of DocumentNo .DateValueTaxable valueNo.DateValue
6[Statement- 3 [rule 89(2)(b) and 89(2)(c)]

Refund Type: Export without payment of tax (accumulated ITC)

Sr. No .Documents DetailsGoods/ Service s (G/ S)Shipping bill/Bill of exportEGM DetailsBRC/FIR C
Type of Docum entNo.Dat eValu ePotc odeNo.DateRef No.DateN o.D at eV al u e
12345678910111 21 31 4
Statement- 3A [rule 89(4)]

Refund Type: Export without payment of tax (accumulated ITC) – calculation of refund amount

(Amount in Rs.)

Turnover of zero rated supply of goods and servicesNet input tax creditAdjusted total turnoverRefund amount (1×2÷3)
7[Statement-4 [rule 89(2) (d) and 89(2)(e)]

Refund Type: On account of supplies made to SEZ unit or SEZ Developer (on payment of tax)

GSTIN of recipientDocument DetailsShipping bill/Bill of export/Endorsed invoice by SEZTaxable ValueIntegrated TaxCess
Type of DocumentNo.DateValueNo.Date
8[Statement 4A

Refund of SEZ on account of supplies received from DTA-With payment of tax

GSTIN of recipientDocument DetailsShipping bill/Bill of export/Endorsed invoice by SEZTaxable ValueIntegrated TaxCess
Type of DocumentNo.DateValueNo.Date
9[Statement-5 [rule 89(2)(d) and 89(2)(e)]

Refund Type: On account of supplies made to SEZ unit or SEZ Developer (without payment of tax)

Sr. No.Document DetailsGoods/ Services (G/S)Shipping bill/Bill of export/Endorsed invoice no.
Type of DocumentNo.DateValue   
Statement-5A [rule 89(4)]

Refund Type: On account of supplies made to SEZ unit / SEZ developer without payment of tax (accumulated ITC) – calculation of refund amount

(Amount in Rs.)

Turnover of zero rated supply of goods and servicesNet input tax creditAdjusted total turnoverRefund amount (1×2÷3)
10[Statement 5B [rule 89(2) (g)]

Refund Type: On account of deemed exports claimed by supplier

Sl. No.Documents details of inward supplies in case refund is claimed by supplierTax paid
 Type of DocumentNo.DateTaxable ValueIntegrated TaxCentral TaxState/Union Territory TaxCess
Statement 5B [rule 89(2)(g)]

Refund Type: On account of deemed exports claimed by recipient

Sl. No . Documents details of inward supplies in case refund is claimed by recipientTax paid
 GSTIN of Supplie rType of Documen tNo .Dat eTaxabl e ValueIntegrate d TaxCentra l TaxState/Unio n Territory TaxCes s
11[Statement-6 [rule 89(2) (j)]

Refund Type: On account of change in POS (inter-State to intra-State and vice versa)

Document Type B2C/RegisteredRecipient GSTIN/UINName (in case of B2C)Document Details
Type of DocumentNo.DateValueTaxable Value
Details of documents covering transaction considered as intra-State/inter-State transaction earlier
Inter/IntraIntegrated TaxCentral TaxState/UT TaxCessPoS
Transaction which were held inter State/intra-State supply subsequently
Inter/IntraIntegrated TaxCentral TaxState/UT TaxCessPoS
Statement-7 [rule 89(2) (k)]

Refund Type: Excess payment of tax, if any in case of last return filed.

(Amount in Rs.)

Tax periodARN of returnDate of filing returnTax Payable
Integrated taxCentral taxState/ UT taxCess
Annexure-2 Certificate [rule 89(2)(m)]

This is to certify that in respect of the refund amounting to Rs.<<>> ————-

– (in words) claimed by M/s—————- (Applicant‘s Name) GSTIN/ Temporary

ID——- for the tax period < —->, the incidence of tax and interest, has not been passed on to any other person.

This certificate is based on the examination of the books of account and other relevant records and returns particulars maintained/ furnished by the applicant.

Signature of the Chartered Accountant/ Cost Accountant:


Membership Number:



Note –

This Certificate is not required to be furnished by the applicant, claiming refund under clause (a) or clause (b) or clause (c) or clause (d) or clause (f) of sub- section (8) of section 54 of the Act.

Instructions –

1. Terms used: 
a. B to C:From registered person to unregistered person
b. EGM:Export General Manifest
c. GSTIN:Goods and Services Tax Identification Number
d. IGST:Integrated goods and services tax
e. ITC:Input tax credit
f. POS:Place of Supply (Respective State)
g. SEZ:Special Economic Zone

h. Temporary ID: Temporary Identification Number

i. UIN:                  Unique Identity Number

  • Refund of excess amount available in electronic cash ledger can also be claimed through return or by filing application.
  • Debit entry shall be made in electronic credit or cash ledger at the time of filing the application.
  • Acknowledgement in FORM GST RFD-02will be issued if the application is found complete in all respects.
  • Claim of refund on export of goods with payment of IGST shall not be processed through this application.
  • Bank account details should be as per registration data. Any change in bank details shall first be amended in registration particulars before quoting in the application.
  • Declaration shall be filed in cases wherever required.
  • ‘Net input tax credit’ means input tax credit availed on inputs during the relevant period for the purpose of Statement-1 and will include ITC on input services also for the purpose of Statement-3A and 5A.
  • ‘Adjusted total turnover’ means the turnover in a State or a Union territory, as defined under clause (112) of section 2 excluding the value of exempt supplies other than zero-rated supplies, during the relevant period.
  • For the purpose of Statement-1, refund claim will be based on supplies reported in GSTR-1 and GSTR-2.
  • BRC or FIRC details will be mandatory where refund is claimed against export of services details of shipping bill and EGM will be mandatory to be provided in case of export of goods.
  • Where the invoice details are amended (including export), refund shall be allowed as per the calculation based on amended value.
  • Details of export made without payment of tax shall be reported in Statement- 3.
  • Availability of refund to be claimed in case of supplies made to SEZ unit or SEZ developer without payment of tax shall be worked out in accordance with the formula prescribed in rule 89(4).
  • ‘Turnover of zero rated supply of goods and services’ shall have the same meaning as defined in rule 89(4).
  1. Substituted vide Notification No. 74/2018-CT dated 31.12.2018.
  2. Substituted vide Notification No. 03/2019-CT dated 29.01.2019 w.e.f. 01.02.2019. Before substitution it was “I hereby declare that the Special Economic Zone unit / the Special Economic Zone developer has not availed of the input tax credit of the tax paid by the application covered under this refund claim.”
  3. Substituted vide Notification No. 16/2020-CT dated 23.03.2020.
  4. Substituted vide Notification no. 56/2019-CT dated 14.11.2019.
  5. Omitted vide Notification No. 79/2020-CT dated 15.10.2020.
  • Substituted vide Notification No. 56/2019-CT dated 14.11.2019.
  • Substituted vide Notification no. 56/2019-CT dt. 14.11.2019.
  • Inserted vide Notification no. 56/2019-CT dt. 14.11.2019.
  • Subsituted vide Notification no. 56/2019-CT dt. 14.11.2019.
  • Subsituted vide Notification no. 33/2019-CT dt. 18.07.2019.
  • Subsituted vide Notification no. 56/2019-CT dt. 14.11.2019.

Read More: NOTIFICATION No. 06/2024 – Central Tax: Seeks to notify “Public Tech Platform for Frictionless Credit” as the system with which information may be shared by the common portal based on consent under sub-section (2) of Section 158A of the CGST Act, 2017.

Web Stories: NOTIFICATION No. 06/2024 – Central Tax: Seeks to notify “Public Tech Platform for Frictionless Credit” as the system with which information may be shared by the common portal based on consent under sub-section (2) of Section 158A of the CGST Act, 2017.

Official Income Tax Return filing website: https://incometaxindia.gov.in/

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