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Rule 138F. Information to be furnished in case of intra-State movement of gold, precious stones, etc. and generation of e-way bills thereof.-

by | Aug 16, 2024 | GST | 0 comments

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Important Keyword: FORM GST EWB-01, FORM GSTR-1.

GST Rule 138F. Information to be furnished in case of intra-State movement of gold, precious stones, etc. and generation of e-way bills thereof.-

(1) Where- 

    (a) a Commissioner of State tax or Union territory tax mandates furnishing of information regarding     intra-State movement of goods specified against serial numbers 4 and 5 in the Annexure appended to sub-rule (14) of rule 138, in accordance with sub-rule (1) of rule 138F of the State or Union territory Goods and Services Tax Rules, and 
    (b) the consignment value of such goods exceeds such amount, not below rupees two lakhs, as may     be notified by the Commissioner of State tax or Union territory tax, in consultation with the jurisdictional Principal Chief Commissioner or Chief  Commissioner of Central Tax, or any Commissioner of Central Tax authorised by him, 

notwithstanding anything contained in Rule 138, every registered person who causes intra-State movement of such goods, –

        (i)    in relation to a supply; or
        (ii)   for reasons other than supply; or
        (iii)   due to inward supply from an un-registered person, 

shall,  before  the  commencement  of  such  movement  within  that  State  or  Union territory, furnish information relating to such goods electronically, as specified in Part A of FORM GST EWB-01, against which a unique number shall be generated:

Provided that where the goods to be transported are supplied through an e-commerce operator or a courier agency, the information in Part A of FORM GST EWB-01 may be furnished by such e-commerce operator or courier agency.

(2) The information as specified in PART B of FORM GST EWB-01 shall not be required to be furnished in respect of movement of goods referred to in the sub-rule (1) and after furnishing information in Part-A of FORM GST EWB-01 as specified in sub-rule (1), the e-way bill shall be generated in FORM GST EWB-01, electronically on the common portal. 

(3)  The  information furnished in  Part  A  of  FORM  GST  EWB-01  shall  be made available to the registered supplier on the common portal who may utilize the same for furnishing the details in FORM GSTR-1.

(4) Where an e-way bill has been generated under this rule, but goods are either not transported or are not transported as per the details furnished in the e-waybill, the e-way bill may be cancelled, electronically on the common portal, within twenty-four hours of generation of the e-way bill: 
Provided that an e-way bill cannot be cancelled if it has been verified in transit in accordance with the provisions of rule 138B.

(5) Notwithstanding anything contained in this rule, no e-way bill is required to be generated-
(a) where the goods are being transported from the customs port, airport, air cargo complex and land customs station to an inland container depot or a container freight station for clearance by Customs; 
(b) where the goods are being transported-
        (i) under customs bond from an inland container depot or a container freight station to a customs port, airport, air cargo complex and land customs station, or from one customs station or customs port to another customs station or customs port, or 
        (ii) under customs supervision or under customs seal.

(6) The provisions of sub-rule (10), sub-rule (11) and sub-rule (12) of rule 138, rule 138A, rule 138B, rule 138C, rule 138D and rule 138E shall, mutatis mutandis, apply to an e-way bill generated under this rule.

Explanation.- For the purposes of this rule, the consignment value of goods shall be the value, determined in accordance with the provisions of section 15, declared in an invoice, a bill of supply or a delivery challan, as the case may be, issued in respect of the said consignment and also includes the central tax, State tax or Union territory tax charged in the document and shall exclude the value of exempt supply of goods where the invoice is issued in respect of both exempt and taxable supply of goods.]

1. Inserted vide Notification No. 38/2023-CT dated 04.08.2023.

Read More: Notification No. 20/2017 – Central Tax (Rate): Seeks to amend notification No. 11/2017-CT(R) to reduce CGST rate on specified supplies of Works Contract Services, job work for textile & textile products, printing service of books, newspapers etc., admission to planetarium, and, also to provide option to GTA & transport of passengers by motor cab service providers to avail full ITC & discharge CGST @ 6%

Web Stories: Notification No. 20/2017 – Central Tax (Rate): Seeks to amend notification No. 11/2017-CT(R) to reduce CGST rate on specified supplies of Works Contract Services, job work for textile & textile products, printing service of books, newspapers etc., admission to planetarium, and, also to provide option to GTA & transport of passengers by motor cab service providers to avail full ITC & discharge CGST @ 6%

Download Pdf: https://taxinformation.cbic.gov.in/view-pdf/1000987/ENG/Notifications

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