Important Keyword: GST, CGST, SGST, IGST, UTGST, Section 8, Section 11. GST Section 8. Power to grant exemption from...
Section 8. Intra-State supply. –
Important Keyword: GST, CGST, SGST, IGST, UTGST, Section 15, Section 2, Section 8, Section 10. GST Section 8....
Section 12. Power to make rules.
Important Keyword: Section 8, Section 5, Section 7, Section 9. GST Section 12. Power to make rules. GST Section 12....
Section 11. Other provisions relating to cess .
Important Keyword: Section 8, Section 11. GST Section 11. Other provisions relating to cess . GST Section 11. Other...
Section 10. Crediting proceeds of cess to Fund.
Important Keyword: Section 8, Section 7, Section 5, Section 10. GST Section 10. Crediting proceeds of cess to Fund....
Section 9. Returns, payments and refunds
Important Keyword: GST, CGST, Section 9, Section 8. GST Section 9. Returns, payments and refunds GST Section 9....
Section 8. Amendment of article 269.
Important Keyword: Article 269, Article 269A, Section 8. GST Section 8. Amendment of article 269. GST Section 8....
Section 8. Tax liability on composite and mixed supplies.-
Important Keyword: Tax liability, Section 8, Mixed Supplies. GST Section 8. Tax liability on composite and mixed...
Rule 2- Period for levy and collection of Cess.-
Important Keyword: section 8, Rule 2. GST Rule 2- Period for levy and collection of Cess.- GST Rule 2- Period for levy...