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Download Tax Profit and Loss report from HDFC Securities

by | Jun 21, 2024 | Income Tax | 0 comments

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Important Keyword: F&O Trading, P&L Statement, Speculative Income, Tax Profit, Trading Income.

Download Tax Profit and Loss report from HDFC Securities

HDFC Securities provides the option to download your Profit and Loss Report online. This report, also known as the Tax P&L report, is crucial for calculating taxes on trading income. Traders also receive a “Trading Statement,” which lists all transactions made in different segments over a specified period. This statement includes details such as:

  1. Date
  2. Time
  3. Script Name
  4. Purchase price
  5. Sale price
  6. Segment
  7. Quantity, etc.

These details then help determine the Income Tax on Trading.

Steps to download Profit and Loss Report from HDFC Securities

  1. Log in to your HDFC Securities platform
    You can do it from here
  2. Click on Portfolio
    Next, choose Profit and Loss statement

    HDFC p&l statement step 2
  3. Select the Financial year, asset type and other necessary filters
    Click on Submit

    HDFC step 3 tax p&L
  4. Click on the PDF button on the top right
    Now, your statement downloads

    HDFC step 4 tax p&L
  5. The PDF will be downloaded on your PC
    Finally, this is what it will look like:


Read More: Download Contract Note for HDFC Securities Traders

Web Stories: Download Contract Note for HDFC Securities Traders

Official Income Tax Return filing website: https://incometaxindia.gov.in/

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