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Demographics: The Hidden Key to Understanding Markets and Shaping India’s Future

Demographic data are collected to build a profile of a population, which can be used for various purposes. The key types of demographic information include:

Unlocking India’s Demographic Dividend: A Path to Prosperity or a Missed Opportunity?

India stands on the brink of a unique opportunity—a demographic dividend that could accelerate its economic growth. But what exactly is this demographic dividend, and how can India leverage it? In simple terms, a demographic dividend refers to the economic growth

Understanding Dispersion: A Key Concept in Finance and Economics”

Dispersion, in statistical terms, refers to the spread of data points or values within a dataset. This spread indicates the range of potential outcomes for a variable.

The Real Impact of Deficits: How Government Spending Affects Your Everyday Life”

In the context of the Indian economy, there are several types of deficits that the government tracks. Each type has a different focus and reveals different aspects of economic performance.

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