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Circular No. 36/10/2018 – GST: Processing of refund application for UIN entities.

by | Jan 1, 2024 | GST, 2018 Circulars, Circulars, Circulars CGST 2018 | 0 comments

Important Keyword: F. No. 349/48/2017-GST, Circular No. 36/10/2018-GST, Section 168 (1) CGST Act 2017, Rule 17 CGST Rules, Section 25(9)(a) CGST Act, Rule 82(1) CGST Rules, Section 55 CGST Act, Notification No. 16/2017-Central Tax.

F. No. 349/48/2017-GST
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Excise and Customs
GST Policy Wing

New Delhi, Dated the 13th March, 2018

Circular No. 36/10/2018 – GST


The Principal Chief Commissioners/Chief Commissioners/Principal Commissioners/ Commissioners of Central Tax (All)
The Principal Director Generals / Director Generals (All) The Principal Chief Controller of Accounts, CBEC Madam / sir,

Subject: Processing of refund applications for UIN entities

The GST Council, in its 23rd meeting held at Guwahati on 10th November 2017, has decided that the entities having Unique Identity Number (UIN) may be given centralized registration at the option of such entities. Further, it was also decided that the Central Government will be responsible for all administrative compliances in respect of such entities.

2. In order to clarify some of the issues and to ensure uniformity of implementation across field formations, the Board, in exercise of its powers conferred under section 168 (1) of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (hereinafter referred to as “CGST Act”) hereby clarifies the following issues:

3.  Status of registration for UINs:
  1. Entities having UINs are given a special status under the Central Goods and Services Tax Act as these are not covered under the definition of registered person. These entities have been granted UINs to enable them to claim refund of GST paid on inward supply of goods or services or both received by them. Therefore, if any such entity is making supply of goods or services or both in the course or furtherance of business then such entity will need to apply for GSTIN as per the provisions contained in the Central Goods and Services Tax Act read with the rules made thereunder.
  2. The process for applying for UIN has been outlined under Rule 17 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Rules, 2017 (hereinafter referred to as “CGST Rules”). As stated in the said rule, any person covered under clause (a) of sub-section (9) of section 25 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act may submit an application electronically in FORM GST REG-13 on the common portal. Therefore, Specialized agency of the United Nations Organisation or any Multilateral Financial Institution and Organisation notified under the United Nations (Privileges and Immunities) Act, 1947, Consulate or Embassy of foreign countries shall apply for grant of UIN electronically by filling FORM GST REG-13.
  3. Due to delays in making available FORM GST REG-13 on the common portal, an alternative mechanism has been developed. Entities covered under clause (a) of sub-section (9) of Section 25 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act may approach the Protocol Division, Ministry of External Affairs in this regard, who will facilitate grant of UINs in coordination with the Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC) and GSTN.
  4. It is clarified that the facility of single UIN is optional and an entity may seek more than one UIN.
4. Filing of return by UIN agencies:
  1. The procedure for filing returns by UIN entities is specified under sub-rule (1) of Rule 82 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Rules. The UIN entity is required to file details of inward supplies in FORM GSTR-11.
  2. It may be noted that return in FORM GSTR-11 is required to be filed only for those tax periods for which refund is being claimed. In other words, if an UIN entity is not claiming refund for a particular period, it need not file return in FORM GSTR-11 for that period.
5. Applying for refund by UIN agencies:
  1. All the entities who have been issued UINs and are notified under Section 55 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act will be eligible for refund of inward supply of goods or services in terms of notification No. 16/2017-Central Tax (Rate) dated 28th June 2017 as amended.
  2. It may be noted that the conditions specified under the said notification need to be complied with while applying for refund claims. Further, field officers are hereby instructed to ensure that all the certificates / undertaking etc. as stipulated in the said notification be duly checked while processing the refund claims.
  3. The procedure for filing a refund application has been outlined under Rule 95 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Rules which provides for filing of refund on quarterly basis in FORM RFD-10 along with a statement of inward invoices in FORM GSTR-11. It is hereby clarified that FORM GSTR-11 along with FORM GST RFD-10 has to be filed separately for each of those quarters for which refund claim is being filed.
  4. Agencies which have been allotted UINs may visit User Manual / FAQ section on the common portal (www.gst.gov.in) for step by step instructions on how to file FORM GSTR-11 and FORM RFD-10.
  5. It is hereby clarified that all the entities claiming refund shall submit the duly filled in print out of FORM RFD-10 to the jurisdictional Central Tax Commissionerate. All refund claims shall be processed and sanctioned by respective Central Tax offices. In order to facilitate processing of refund claims of UIN entities, a nodal officer has been designated in each State details of whom are given in Annexure A. Application for refund claim may be submitted before the designated Central Tax nodal officers in the State in which the UIN has been obtained.
  6. There may be cases where multiple UINs existed for the same entity but were later merged into one single UIN. In such cases, field formations are requested to process refund claims for earlier unmerged UINs also. Hence, the refund application will be made with the single UIN only but invoices of old UINs may be declared in the refund claim, which may be accepted and taken into account while processing the refund claim.
6. Passing of refund order and settlement of funds:
  1. The facility of centralized UIN ensures that irrespective of the type of tax (Central Goods and Services Tax, SGST, IGST or Cess) and the State where such inward supply of goods or services have been procured, all refunds would be processed by Central authorities only. Therefore, field formations are advised that all refunds are to be processed on merits irrespective of where and which type of tax is paid on inward supply of goods or services or both by such entities.
  2. A monthly report as prescribed in Annexure B is required to be furnished to the Director General of Goods and Services Tax by the 30th of the succeeding month.
  3. Field officers shall send a copy of the order passed for such refunds to their State counterparts for information purposes only.

7. It is requested that suitable trade notices may be issued to publicize the contents of this circular.

8. Difficulty, if any, in implementation of the above instructions may please be brought to the notice of the Board. Hindi version would follow.

(Upender Gupta)
Commissioner ( Goods and Services Tax)

Annexure A
S.No.State/UTNodal CommissionerateContact Address of the CommissionerateNodal OfficerPhone number and E-mail id of Nodal Officer
1Andhra PradeshGuntur Central Goods and Services TaxGoods and Services Tax Bhavan, Kannavarithota, Guntur- 522004Mr. K. Mahipal Chandra, Assistant Commissioner0863-2234713, mahipal.chandra@gov.in
2Andaman & Nicobar IslandsHaldiaAssistant Commissioner of Central Tax. A & N Division, Kandahar Marg (VIP Road), Port Blair – 744103  Mr. T Inigo, Assistant Commissioner, Andaman & NicobarInigo.timothy@gov.in
3Arunachal PradeshItanagarCentral Goods and Services Tax &CX Commissionerate, Itanagar-791110Mr. N.K.Nandi, Assistant Commissioner0360-2351213, nknandi2014@gmail.com
4AssamDibrugarhCGST & CX Commissionerate, Dibrugarh-786003Mr. B.B.Baruah, Assistant Commissioner0373-2314082 , Bbhusan.baruah@gov.in
5AssamGuwahatiCGST & CX Commissionerate, Guwahati-781005Mr. Sanjeet Kumar, Assistant Commissioner0361-2465197 , sanjeet.kumar@icegate.gov.in
  6  Bihar  Patna-II4th Floor, C.R.Building (Annexe), Bir Chand Patel Path, Patna-800001Mr. Suhrit Mukherjee, Assistant Commissioner0612-2504814, suhrit9933@gmail.com
7ChandigarhChandigarhPlot No. 19 Sector 17-C, C.R Building ChandigarhMs.Mamta Saini, Deputy Commissioner0172-2704196, mamtasaini.india@gmail.com
8ChhattisgarhRaipurDivision-II, CGST Bhawan Civil Lines, RaipurMr. Sumit Kumar Agrawal, Assistant Commissioner0771-2425636 sumitk.agrawal@gov.in
9Dadra and Nagar HaveliDaman2nd Floor, Hani’s Landmark, Vapi- Daman Road, Chala , Vapi, GujaratMr. B.P. Singh, Additional Commissioner, Daman0260-2460502, binay.singh@icegate.gov.in
10Daman and DiuDaman2nd Floor, Hani’s Landmark, Vapi- Daman Road, Chala , Vapi, GujaratMr. B.P. Singh, Additional Commissioner, Daman0260-2460502, binay.singh@icegate.gov.in
11GoaGoaGST Bhavan, EDC Complex, Patto, Panaji-403001Mr. S. K. Sinha, Additional Commissioner0832-2437190, sanjay1.sinha@icegate.gov.in
12GujaratGandhinagarO/o the Commissioner, CGST, Gandhinagar Custom House,Near All India Radio, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad-380009.Dr. Amit Singal, Joint Commissioner  079-27540424, singalamit@rediffmail.com
13HaryanaGurugramPlot No. 36-37, Sector-32, GurugramMr. Raj Karan Aggarwal, Assistant Comissioner0124-2380269, Aggarwalrajkaran@gmail.com
14Himachal PradeshShimlaCamp at Plot No. 19 Sector 17-C, C.R Building ChandigarhMr.Nikhil Kumar Singh, Assistant Commissioner0172-2704196, nikhil.singh@icegate.gov.in
15Jammu and KashmirJammuOB-32, Rail Head Complex, JammuMr.Prakash Choudhary, Assistant Commissioner0191-2475320, prakash.online1984@gmail.com
16JharkhandRanchi5th Floor, C.R.Building, 5-A, Main Road, Ranchi-834001Mr. Debabrata Chatterjee, Assistant Commissioner0651-2330218, debabrata.chaterjee@gmail.com
  17  Karnataka  Bengaluru (South)Bengaluru South Commissionerate, C.R. Building, Queen’s Road, Bengaluru-560001Mrs. Gayathri Chandra Menon, Assistant Commissioner080-25522370 sd07.gst@gov.in
18KeralaKochiCentral Revenue Building, I.S. Press Road, Kochi-682018Mr. Ashwin John George, Assistant Commissioner0484-2533169 ashwinjohngeorge@gmail.com
19LakshadweepKochiCentral Revenue Building, I.S. Press Road, Kochi-682018Mr. Ashwin John George, Assistant Commissioner0484-2533169 ashwinjohngeorge@gmail.com
20Madhya PradeshBhopalDivision – I Bhopal, Jail Road Paryawas Bhawan, BhopalMr. Piyush Thorat, Assistant Commissioner0755-2761620, piyushthorat19@gmail.com
  21  Maharashtra  Mumbai Central4th Floor, GST Bhavan, 115, M.K.Road, Opp Churchgate Station, Mumbai-400020Ms. Manpreet Arya, Additional Commissioner022-26210384, manpreetarya@yahoo.co.in
22ManipurImphalCGST &CX Commissionerate, Imphal- 795001Mr. R.K.Shurchandra Singh,Assistant Commissioner0385-2460735, shurchandra.rk@gov.in
23MeghalayaShillongCGST &CX Commissionerate, Shillong-793001Mr. Om Prakash Tiwary, Assistant Commissioner0364-2506758, tiwary.op@gov.in
24MizoramAizawlCGST & CX Commissionerate, Aizawl-796001Mr. L.Ralte, Deputy Commissioner0389-2346515 , lal.ralte@icegate.gov.in
25NagalandDimapurCGST &CX Commissionerate, Dimapur-797112Mr. Gopeswar Chandra Paul, Assistant Commissioner0386-2351772, paul.gopeswar3@gmail.com
  26  NCT of Delhi  Delhi (South)2nd & 3rd Floor, EIL Annexe Building, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi, Delhi 110066Mr. Shikhar Pant, Assistant Commissioner011-40785842 shikhar.pant@gov.in
  27  Odisha  BhubaneshwarC.R. Building, (GST Bhawan),Rajaswa Vihar, Bhubaneshwar-751007Mr. Sateesh Chandar, Joint Commissioner0674-2589694 sateesh.chandar@nic.in
28PuducherryPuducherryI, Goubert Avenue (Beach Road), Puducherry -605001.Joint Commissioner0413-2224062, 0413-2331244, pondycex.gst@gov.in
29PunjabLudhianaCentral Excise House, F-Block, Rishi Nagar, Ludhiana.Mr.Neeraj Soi, Deputy Commissioner0161-2679452, soineeraj@gmail.com
30RajasthanJaipurN.C.R. Building, Statue Circle, JaipurMrs. Ruchita Vij, Additional Commissioner0141-2385342 ruchitavij@gmail.com
  31  Sikkim  SiliguriGangtok CGST Division, Indira Byepass Road, Sichey Near District Court, Gangtok – 737101Mr. Puran Lama, Assistant Commissioner, Sikkim (Gangtok)03592-284182, Gtk_div@rediffmail.com
  32  Tamil Nadu  Chennai (North)GST Bhawan, 26/1, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai – 600034  Additional Commissioner044-28331177, 044-28331188, commr-cexchn1@nic.in
  33  Telangana  HyderabadO/o the Principal Commissioner of Central Tax, Hyderabad GST Commissionerate, GST Bhawan, L B Stadium Road, Basheerbagh, Hyderabad – 500004.  Mr. P. Anand Kumar, Additional Commissioner  040-23240725, ak.pulapaka@gov.in
34TripuraAgartalaCGST &CX Commissionerate, Agartala-799001Mr. S.K.Mazumdar,                        Assistant Commissioner0381-2304099 , sanjoymaz85@gmail.com
35Uttar PradeshLucknow7-A, Ashok Marg,Lucknow-226001Mr. Avijit Pegu, Assistant Commissioner0522-2233001, avijit.pegu@icegate.gov.in
  36  Uttarakhand  DehradunOffice of the Commissioner, Central Goods & Services Tax, E-Block, Nehru Colony, Dehradun  Mr. Sanjay Kumar Shukla0135-2668668, sanjay2.shukla@icegate.gov.in
37West BengalKolkata (North)180, Shanti Pally, Rajganda Main Road, KolkataMr. Shobhit Sinha, Assistant Commissioner033-24416813, Shobhitsinha.jsr@gov.in
Annexure B

Office of the Commissioner —–

Report for the month of ——

  Name of the State    Details of the Entity    Time PeriodName of the State for which refund has been sanctioned    Central Tax  State Tax / UT Tax    Integrated tax    Cess

Read More: Clarifications on exports related refund issues. Rescinded vide Circular No. 125/44/2019 – GST dated 18.11.2019.

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