Important Keyword: FORM GST INS -02, ORDER OF SEIZURE.
Table of Contents
[See rule 139 (2)]
Whereas an inspection under sub-section (1)/search under sub-section (2) of Section 67 was conducted by me on / / at : AM/PM in the following premise(s):
<<Details of premises>>
which is/are a place/places of business/premises belonging to:
<<Name of Person>>
<<GSTIN, if registered>>
in the presence of following witness(es):
1. <<Name and address>>
- <<Name and address>>
and on scrutiny of the books of accounts, registers, documents / papers and goods found during the inspection/search, I have reasons to believe that certain goods liable to confiscation and/or documents and/or books and/or things useful for or relevant to proceedings under this Act are secreted in place(s) mentioned above.
Therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred upon me under sub-section (2) of section 67, I hereby seize the following goods/ books/ documents and things:
A) Details of Goods seized:
Sr. No | Description of goods | Quantity or units | Make/mark or model | Remarks |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
B. Details of books / documents / things seized:
Sr. No | Description of books / documents / things seized | No. of books / documents / things seized | Remarks |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
and these goods and or things are being handed over for safe upkeep to:
<<Name and address>>
with a direction that he shall not remove, part with, or otherwise deal with the goods or things except with the previous permission of the undersigned.
Place: Name and Designation of the Officer
Signature of the Witnesses
Sr. No. | Name and address | Signature |
1. | ||
2. |
<<Name and address>>
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