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Compliance Portal: Income Tax Information Summary

by | Apr 24, 2024 | Income Tax | 0 comments

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Important Keyword: Compliance Portal, Information Detail, Information Summary.

Income Tax: Information Summary

When the Income Tax Department (ITD) identifies transactions during a financial year that don’t align with a taxpayer’s typical profile, they present these discrepancies for the taxpayer’s review. These transactions are displayed in an Information Summary format, allowing taxpayers to provide feedback.

In essence, the Information Summary serves as a means for taxpayers to verify and address any inconsistencies between their reported transactions and their financial behavior. It empowers taxpayers to ensure accuracy in their tax filings and compliance with regulatory requirements.

To access the Information Summary on the Compliance Portal, taxpayers must follow these simple steps:

1. Visit the Compliance Portal and log in using valid credentials.
2. Navigate to the e-Campaign option after logging in.
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3. Select the relevant Financial Year under the “Significant Transactions” section.
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4. A pop-up advisory message will appear on the screen; click “Ok” to proceed.
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The Information Summary will be displayed, presenting the available details for submission of response.

To view specific information details, click on the “>” option.

By following these steps, taxpayers can conveniently access and review the Information Summary to ensure accuracy in their tax filings and regulatory compliance.

Read More: Compliance Portal: Information Confirmation for Non-Filing of Return

Web Stories: Compliance Portal: Information Confirmation for Non-Filing of Return

Official Income Tax Return filing website: https://incometaxindia.gov.in/

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