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Notification No. 7/2018 – Union Territory Tax (Rate): Seeks to amend Notification No.2/2017-UTGST (Rate).

by | Apr 14, 2024 | GST, 2018 Notifications, Notifications, Union Territory Tax (Rate) 2018 Notifications | 0 comments

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Important keyword: Section 8(1) UTGST Act 2017, F.No.354/1/2018-TRU, Notification No. 7/2018 – Union Territory Tax (Rate), notification No. 2/2017- Union Territory Tax (Rate), notification No. 45/2017- Union Territory Tax (Rate).

(Department of Revenue)

New Delhi, the 25th January, 2018

Notification No. 7/2018 – Union Territory Tax (Rate)


G.S.R.    (E).- In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (1) of section 8 of the Union Territory Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (14 of 2017), the Central Government, on the recommendations of the Council, hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue), No.2/2017- Union Territory Tax (Rate), dated the 28th June, 2017, published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (i), vide number G.S.R. 711 (E), dated the 28th June, 2017, namely:-

In the said notification, –

  • in the Schedule,
  • in S. No. 102, for the entry in column (3), the entry “Aquatic feed including shrimp feed and prawn feed, poultry feed & cattle feed, including grass, hay & straw, supplement & husk of pulses, concentrates & additives, wheat bran & de-oiled cake [other than rice-bran]”, shall be substituted;
  • for S. No. 102A and the entries relating thereto, the following serial number and the entries shall be inserted, namely: –
“102A2302De-oiled rice bran
102B2306Cotton seed oil cake”;
  • against S. No. 136A, in column (2), for the entry, the entry “7117” shall be substituted’;
    • in S. No. 137, in column (3), after the words “used in agriculture, horticulture or forestry” the words, “other than ghamella”, shall be added;
    • in S. No. 148, for the entry in column (3), for the entry against item number (v), the entry “Vibhuti”, shall be substituted;
  • after S. No. 150 and the entries relating thereto, the following serial number and the entries shall be inserted, namely: –
“151Any chapter“Parts for manufacture of hearing aids”;

(Ruchi Bisht)
Under Secretary to the
Government of India

Note: – The principal notification No.2/2017- Union Territory Tax (Rate), dated the 28th June, 2017, published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (i), vide number G.S.R. 711(E), dated the 28th June, 2017and last amended by Notification No. 45/2017 Union Territory Tax(Rate) dated 14th November, 2017 published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (i) vide number GSR 1398 (E), dated the, 14th November, 2017.

Read More: Notification No. 04 /2018 – Integrated Tax: Seeks to amend the IGST Rules, 2017 so as to notify the rules for determination of place of supply in case of inter-State supply under sections 10(2), 12(3), 12(7), 12(11) and 13(7) of the IGST Act, 2017.

Web Stories: Notification No. 04 /2018 – Integrated Tax: Seeks to amend the IGST Rules, 2017 so as to notify the rules for determination of place of supply in case of inter-State supply under sections 10(2), 12(3), 12(7), 12(11) and 13(7) of the IGST Act, 2017.

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