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Universal Account Number – The Complete Guide

by | May 31, 2024 | Income Tax | 0 comments

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Important Keyword: Activate Universal Account Number, Universal Account Number.

What is UAN?

The Universal Account Number (UAN) serves as a distinctive identifier issued by the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India, to employees enrolled for Provident Fund schemes. Upon changing jobs, an employee is assigned a member identification number. These identification numbers, both current and previous, are interconnected through the Universal Account Number system.

Once an employer registers on the EPFO (Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation) Portal, the UAN can be generated. With the Universal Account Number, employees gain access to various functionalities including claims submission, tracking claims status, checking PF balance, uploading Know Your Customer (KYC) documents, and filing for e-Nomination.

Follow these steps to activate Universal Account Number:

  1. Visit the Universal Account Number Portal
    Firstly, visit the UAN Portal and click on ‘Activate UAN

    Universal Account Number Portal
  2. Activate Universal Account Number
    Next, Enter your Universal Account Number. If you do not have your Universal Account Number, you may ask your employer to share the same.

    Enter other required details like Name, Date of birth, Mobile Number, Email Id and click on ‘Get Authorization Pin’.

    Universal Account Number Portal
  3. Enter OTP
    Lastly, check the ‘I Agree’ box and enter the OTP received on your registered mobile number.
    Universal Account Number Portal
    Upon entering the OTP, you will receive the password on your registered mobile number. Use this password to login to your Universal Account Number account.

Know Your Universal Account Number

In case an individual does not have access to their Universal Account Number, they may find it on the Universal Account Number Portal using the ‘Know Your UAN‘ facility.

  1. Visit the UAN Portal and click on ‘Know Your Universal Account Number’.

    Universal Account Number Portal
  2. Enter your registered mobile number, captcha and click on ‘Request OTP’. Enter the OTP received on mobile number and click on ‘Validate OTP’.
    Request and Validate OTP to know your UAN
  3. Lastly, enter your basic details as per Aadhaar Card and click on ‘Show my Universal Account Number’
    -Know Your UAN

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Web Stories: Which ITR Form to file?

Official Income Tax Return filing website: https://incometaxindia.gov.in/

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