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ITR Filing Starts Only

GST Return Filing Starts Only

FORM GST INV – 1: Cardinality means whether reporting of the item(s) is mandatory or optional as explained below

by | Jul 12, 2024 | GST, Forms | 0 comments

Consult an Expert: ITR Filing, GST Reg. & Pvt. Ltd. Registration

15 + 11 =

Important Keyword: FORM GST INV -01, Cardinality.


Note 1:

Cardinality means whether reporting of the item(s) is mandatory or optional as explained below:

0..1: It means that reporting of item is optional and when reported, the same cannot be repeated.

1..1: It means that reporting of item is mandatory but cannot be repeated.

1..n: It means that reporting of item is mandatory and can be repeated more than once.

0..n: It means that reporting of item is optional but can be repeated more than once if reported. For example, previous invoice reference is optional but if required one can mention many previous invoice references.

Note 2:

Field specification Number (Max length: m, n) indicates ‗m‘ places before decimal point and ‗n‘ places after decimal point. For example, Number (Max length: 3,3) will have the format 999.999

Schema (Version 1.1)
    Sr. No.  Technical name of the fieldCardi nality (0..1/ 1..1/ 0..n/ 1..n)  Brief Description of the fieldWhether Mandat ory/ Optional    Technical Field Specification  Sample Value of the field    Explanatory Notes
1.Basic Details1..1 Mandat ory  Header for Basic Details

1 Substituted vide Notf. No. 12/2018-CT dt.07.03.2018. Note: Earlier FORMS were notified vide Notf. No. 27/2017-CT dt.30.08.2017, and amended vide Notfn. No. 3/2018-CT dt.23.01.2018.

2 Substituted vide Notf. No. 02/2020-CT dt. 01.01.2020

3 Substituted vide Notification No. 60/2020-CT dated 30.07.2020

1.0Version1..1Version NumberMandatoryString (Max. Length:6)1.1This is version of the e- invoice schema. It will be used to keep track of version of Invoice specification.
1.1IRN1..1Invoice Reference NumberMandato ryString (Length: 64)a5c12dca8 0e7433217 …..ba4013 750f2046f 229This will be a unique reference number for the invoice.   However, the supplier will not be populating this field.   The registration request may not have this field populated.   The Invoice Registration Portal (IRP) will generate this IRN and respond to the registration request.   e-invoice is valid only when it has the IRN. Hence, this is marked as mandatory field.
1.2Supply_Ty pe_Code1..1Code for Supply TypeMandato ryEnumerated ListB2B/B2C/ SEZWP/S EZWOP/E XP WP/EXP WOP/DE XPThis will be the code to identify type of supply.   B2B: Business to Business   B2C: Business to Consumer   SEZWP: To SEZ with Payment SEZWOP: To SEZ without Payment   EXPWP: Export with Payment   EXPWOP: Export without Payment
         DEXP: Deemed Export
1.3Document_ Type_Code1..1Code for Document TypeMandato ryEnumerated ListINV / CRN / DBNType of Document: INV for Invoice, CRN for Credit Note, DBN for Debit note.
1.4Document_ Num1..1Document NumberMandato ryString (Max Length:16)Sa/1/2019This is as per relevant rule in CGST/SGST/UTGST Rules.
1.5Document_ Date1..1Document DateMandato ryString (DD/MM/YYYY)21/07/201 9The date on which the Invoice was issued. Format “DD/MM/YYYY”
1.6Additional_ Currency_ Code0..1Additional Currency CodeOptionalEnumerated ListUSD, EURThe field is for reporting additional currency, if any, in which all invoice amounts can be given, along with INR.   One such additional currency may be used in the invoice, as per list published under ISO 4217 standard.   List published and updated from time to time at https://www.icegate.gov.i n/Webappl/CUR_ENQ
1.7Reverse_ Charge0..1Reverse ChargeOptionalString (Length:1)YWhether the tax liability payable is under Reverse Charge.
1.8IGST_Appl icability_de spite_Suppl ier_and_Re cipient_loc ated_in_sa me_ State/UT0..1IGST Applicability despite Supplier and Recipient located in same State/UTOptionalString (Length: 1)NTo report the scenarios where the supply is chargeable to IGST despite the fact that the Supplier and Recipient are located within same State/UT
2.Document _Period0..1 Optiona l  Header for Document Period
2.1Document_ Period_Star t _Date1..1Document Period Start DateMandato ryString (DD/MM/YYYY)21/07/201 9This is the start date of the document period (delivery/invoice period).   (This field is mandatory only if this section is selected)
2.2Document_ Period_End _ Date1..1Document Period End DateMandato ryString (DD/MM/YYYY)21/07/201 9This is the end date of the document period (delivery/invoice period).   (This field is mandatory only if this section is selected)
3.Preceding Document / Contract Reference0..1 Optional  Header for Preceding Document / Contract Reference
3.1Preceding Document Reference0..n   Optional  Sub-header for Preceding Document Reference
3.1.1Preceding_ Document_ Number1..1Preceding Document NumberMandatoryString (Max length:16)Sa/1/2019This is the reference of original document/invoice to be provided optionally in the case of debit or credit notes.   Credit/Debit notes, against invoices can also be referred here.   (This field is mandatory only if this section is selected)
3.1.2Preceding_ Document_ Date1..1Date of Preceding DocumentMandatoryString (DD/MM/YYYY)21/07/20 19Date     of             preceding document/invoice.   (This field is mandatory only if this section is selected)
3.1.3Other_ Reference0..1Other ReferenceOptionalString (Max length:20)KOL01This field is to provide any additional reference e.g. specific branch, their user ID, their employee ID, sales centre reference etc.
3.2Receipt / Contract References0..n Optional  Sub-header for Receipt / Contract References
3.2.1Receipt_Ad vice_Refere nce0..1Receipt Advice ReferenceOptionalString (Max length:20)CREDIT30This reference is kept for user to provide number of their receipt advice to their customer, in lieu of advance.
3.2.2Receipt_Ad vice _Date0..1Date of Receipt AdviceOptionalString (DD/MM/YYYY)21/07/2019Date of issue of receipt advice for advance.
3.2.3Tender_or_0..1Tender or LotOptionalString (MaxTENDERJThis reference is kept for
 Lot_Referen ce Reference length:20)AN2020mentioning number or details of Lot or Tender, if supplies are made under such Lot or tender.
3.2.4Contract_Re ference0..1Contract ReferenceOptionalString (Max length:20)CONT2307 2019This reference is kept for mentioning                              contract number, if supplies are made under any specific Contract
3.2.5External_R eference0..1External ReferenceOptionalString (Max length:20)EXT23222An      additional         field         for provision of any additional/external reference number for the supply.
3.2.6Project_Ref erence0..1Project ReferenceOptionalString (Max length:20)PJTCODE 01This reference is kept for mentioning project number, if supplies are made under any specific project
3.2.7PO _Ref_Num0..1PO Reference NumberOptionalString (Max length:16)Vendor PO /1This is the reference number of Purchase Order
3.2.8PO_Ref_D ate0..1PO Reference DateOptionalString (DD/MM/YYYY)21/07/201 9This is the date of Purchase Order.
4.Supplier Informatio n1..1 Mandatory  Header      for                    Supplier Information
4.1Supplier_L egal_Name1..1Supplier Legal NameMandatoryString (Max. length:100)XYZ Ltd.Legal Name, as appearing in PAN of the Supplier
4.2Supplier_T rade_ Name0..1Trade Name of SupplierOptionalString (Max length:100)ABC TradersA name by which the Supplier is known, i.e. Business Name, other than legal name
4.3Supplier_ GSTIN1..1GSTIN of SupplierMandatoryString (Length:15)29AADFV 7589C1ZXGSTIN of the Supplier
4.4Supplier_ Address11..1Supplier Address 1MandatoryString (Max length:100)# 1-23120, Flat No. 3,Address 1 of the Supplier (Building/Flat no., Road/Street, Locality etc.)
      Nalanda Apartment s, MG Road, Vasanth Nagar 
4.5Supplier_ Address20..1Supplier Address 2OptionalString (Max length:100)# 1-23120, Flat No. 3, Nalanda Apartment s, MG Road, Vasanth NagarAddress 2 of the Supplier (Building/Flat no., Road/Street, Locality etc.), if any
4.6Supplier_Pl ace1..1Supplier PlaceMandatoryString (Max length:50)BangaloreLocation of the Supplier (City/Town/Village)
4.7Supplier_St ate_Code1..1Supplier State CodeMandatoryEnumerated List29State Code of the Supplier as per GST System   List published and updated from time to time at https://www.icegate.gov.i n/Webappl/STATE_EN Q
4.8Supplier_Pi ncode1..1Supplier PIN CodeMandato ryNumber (Length: 6)560087PIN Code of the Supplier Locality
4.9Supplier_ Phone0..1Supplier PhoneOptionalString (Max length:12)999999999 9Contact number of the Supplier
4.10Supplier_E mail0..1Supplier emailOptionalString (Max length:100)supplier@ abc.come-mail ID of the Supplier, as per REGEX (Regular Expressions) pattern
5.Recipient Informatio n1..1 Mandatory  Header for Recipient Information
5.1Recipient_ Legal_Nam e1..1Recipient Legal NameMandato ryString (Max. length:100)PQR Pvt. Ltd.It will be legal name of recipient, as per PAN.
5.2Recipient_ Trade_Nam e0..1Recipient Trade NameOptionalString (Max length:100)AdarshaIt will be trade name of recipient, if available.
5.3Recipient_ GSTIN1..1GSTIN of RecipientMandatoryString (Length:15)29ABCCR 1832C1ZX , URPGSTIN of the Recipient, if available.   URP: In case of exports or if supplies are made to unregistered persons
5.4Place_Of_S upply_State _ Code1..1Place of Supply (State Code)MandatoryEnumerated List29, 96Code/State Code of Place of Supply as per GST System.   List published and updated from time to time at https://www.icegate.gov.i n/Webappl/STATE_EN Q
5.5Recipient_ Address11..1Recipient Address 1MandatoryString (Max length:100)# 1-23120, Flat No. 3, Nalanda Apartment s, MG Road, Vasanth NagarAddress 1 of the Recipient (Building/Flat no., Road/Street, Locality etc.)
5.6Recipient_ Address20..1Recipient Address 2OptionalString (Max length:100)# 1-23120, Flat No. 3, Nalanda Apartment s, MG Road, Vasanth NagarAddress 2, if any, of the Recipient (Building/Flat no., Road/Street, Locality etc.), if any
5.7Recipient_ Place1..1Recipient PlaceMandatoryString (Max length:100)MysoreLocation of the Recipient (City/Town/Village)
5.8Recipient_ State_Code1..1Recipient State CodeMandatoryEnumerated List29Code/State Code of the Recipient.   List published and updated from time to time at https://www.icegate.gov.i n/Webappl/STATE_EN Q
5.9Recipient _Pincode0..1Recipient PIN CodeOptionalNumber (Length: 6)560002PIN code of the Recipient locality.   In case of export, Pincode need not be mentioned.
5.10Country_C ode_of_Ex port0..1Country Code of ExportOptionalEnumerated ListANCode of country of export as per ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 / Indian Customs EDI system.   List published and updated from time to time at https://www.icegate.gov.i n/Webappl/COUNTRY_ ENQ
5.11Recipient_ Phone0..1Recipient PhoneOptionalString (Max length:12)080222332 3Contact number of the Recipient
5.12Recipient_e mail_ID0..1Recipient email IDOptionalString (Max length:100)billing@x yz.come-mail ID of the Recipient, as per REGEX (Regular Expressions) pattern
6.Payee Informatio n0..1 Optional  Header         for                      Payee Information
6.1Payee_Nam e0..1Payee NameOptionalString (Max length:100)Ramesh KName of the person to whom payment is to be made
6.2Payee_Ban k_Account _Number0..1Payee Bank Account NumberOptionalString (Max length:18)386850174 7262Bank Account Number of Payee
6.3Mode_of_P ayment0..1Mode of PaymentOptionalString (Max length:18)Direct TransferMode of Payment: Cash/Credit/Direct Transfer etc.
6.4Bank _Branch_C ode0..1Bank Branch CodeOptionalString (Max length:11)SBIN9876 543Indian Financial System Code (IFSC) of Payee‘s Bank Branch
6.5Payment_T erms0..1Payment TermsOptionalString (Max length:100)TextTerms of Payment, if any, with the Recipient can be provided.
6.6Payment_I nstruction0..1Payment InstructionOptionalString (Max length:100)TextInstruction, if any, regarding payment can be provided
6.7Credit_Tra nsfer_Term s0..1Credit Transfer TermsOptionalString (Max length:100)TextTerms to specify credit transfer payments.
6.8Direct_Deb it_Terms0..1Direct Debit TermsOptionalString (Ma x length:100)TextTerms, if any, to specify a direct debit.
6.9Credit_Day s0..1Credit DaysOptionalNumeric (Max length:4)30Number of days within which payment is due.
7.Delivery_I nformatio n0..1 Optional  Header                    for                    Delivery Information
7.1Ship_To_D etails0..1Ship To DetailsOptionalRefer A 1.0Details of location to which the supply has to be delivered.
7.2Dispatch_ From_Deta ils0..1Dispatch From DetailsOptionalRefer A 1.1Details of location from where Supply has to be dispatched.
8.Invoice Item Details1..n Mandatory  Header for Invoice Item Details
8.1Item_List1..nItem ListMandatoryRefer A 1.2Provides information about the goods and services being invoiced.
9.Document Total1..1 Mandatory    Header for Document Total Details
9.1Document_ Total_Deta ils1..1Document Total DetailsMandatoryRefer A 1.3Details of document total including taxes.
10.Extra Informatio n0..1 Optional  Header for Extra Information
10.1Tax_Schem e1..1Tax SchemeMandatoryString (Max length: 10)GSTTo specify the tax/levy applicable – GST (This field is mandatory only if this section is selected)
10.2Remarks0..1RemarksOptionalString (Max length: 100)New batch Items submittedA textual note that gives unstructured information that is relevant to the Invoice as a whole e.g. reasons for any correction or assignment note in case the invoice has been factored etc.
10.3Port_Code0..1Port CodeOptionalEnumerated ListAlpha numericIn case of export/supply to SEZ, port code can be mentioned as per Indian Customs EDI System (ICES), if applicable and available at the time of reporting e-invoice.   Lists published and updated from time to time at below URLs:   EDI Port Codes: https://www.icegate.gov. in/Webappl/LOCATION _ENQ   Non-EDI Port Codes: https://www.icegate.gov. in/Webappl/nonlocation _det_all.jsp
10.4Shipping_B ill_Number0..1Shipping Bill NumberOptionalString (Max length: 20)Alpha numericIn case of export/supply to SEZ, shipping bill number as per Indian Customs EDI
       System (ICES), can be mentioned, if applicable and available at the time of reporting e-invoice.
10.5Shipping_B ill_Date0..1Shipping Bill DateOptionalString(DD/M M/YYYY)03/12/2020Date of Shipping Bill as per Indian Customs EDI System (ICES)
10.6Export_Dut y_Amount0..1Export Duty AmountOptionalNumber (Max Length: 12,2)1200000.50Amount of Export Duty in INR, if any, applicable (in case of invoices for export)
10.7Supplier_C an_Opt_Re fund0..1Supplier Can Opt RefundOptionalString (Length: 1)Y / NIn case of deemed export supplies, this field is for mentioning                            whether supplier can exercise the option of claiming refund or not.
10.8ECOM_GS TIN0..1e-Commerce Operator‘s GSTINOptionalString (Length: 15)29ABCCR1 832C1CXGSTIN of e-commerce operator, if supply is made through him/her.
11.Additional _Supporti ng_Docum ents0..n Optiona l  Header for Additional Supporting Documents
11.1Additional_ Supporting _Document s_URL0..1Additional Supporting Documents URLOptionalString (Max length: 100)https://www.x yz.com/abcThis is to enter URL reference of additional supporting documents, if any.
11.2Additional_ Supporting _Document s_base640..1AdditionalSup porting Document in base64OptionalString (Max length: 1000)Base 64 encoded DocumentThis is to add any additional document in PDF/Microsoft Word in Base64 encoded format.
11.3Additional_ Information0..1Additional InformationOptionalString (Max length: 1000)Free text, remarks, identifiers, etc.Any additional information, names, values, data etc. that is specific for the Supplier-Recipient transaction e.g. CIN, tradespecific information, Drug Licence Reg. No., FOB/CIF etc.
12.E-way Bill Details0..1 Optiona l  Header for e-way Bill Details
12.1Transporter _ID0..1Transporter IDOption alString (Length: 15)29AADFV75 89C1ZORegistration / Enrolment Number of the transporter   (This field is required if Part-A of E-waybill has to be generated)
12.2Trans_Mod e0..1Mode of Transportation  OptionalEnumerated List1/2/3/4Option to be provided based on mode of transport available on e-Way Bill Portal   1 for Road;   2 for Rail;   3 for Air;   4 for Ship   (This field is required if Part-B of e-way bill is also to be generated)
12.3Trans_Dista nce1..1Distance of TransportationMandato ryNumber (Max length: 4)200Distance of Transportation   (This field is mandatory only if this section is
12.4Transporter _Name0..1Transporter NameOptionalString (Max length: 100)Sphurthi TransportersName of the Transporter
12.5Trans_Doc _No.0..1Transport Document NumberOptionalString (Max length: 15)As/34/746Transport Document Number   (This field is mandatory if mode of Transport is Rail or Air or Ship)
12.6Trans_Doc _Date0..1Transport Document DateOptionalString (DD/MM/YYYY)21/07/2019Date of Transport document.   (This field is mandatory if mode of Transport is Rail or Air or Ship)
12.7Vehicle_No .0..1Vehicle NumberOptionalString (Max. length: 20)KA12KA123 4 or KA12K1234 or KA123456 or KAR1234Vehicle Registration Number   (This field is mandatory if mode of Transport is Road)
12.8Vehicle_Ty pe0..1Vehicle TypeOptionalEnumeration ListO / RTo mention nature of vehicle:   O: Over-Dimensional Cargo   R: Regular   (This field is mandatory if Part-B of e-way bill is also to be generated)
A 1.0Ship To Details0..1 Optiona l  Header for Annexure A 1.0:Ship To Details
Sr. No.Parameter NameCardi nalityDescriptionWhethe r optional or mandat oryField SpecificationsSample ValueExplanatory Notes
A.1.0 .1ShipTo_Le gal_Name1..1Ship To Legal NameMandato ryString (Max length: 100)ABC-1 Ltd.Legal Name of the entity to whom the supplies are shipped to.   (This field is mandatory only if this section is selected)
A.1.0 .2ShipTo_Tra de_Name0..1Ship To Trade NameOptionalString (Max length: 100)XYZ-1Trade Name of the entity to whom the supplies are shipped to.
A.1.0 .3ShipTo_GS TIN0..1Ship To GSTINOptionalString (Length: 15)36AABCT22 23L1ZFGSTIN of the entity to whom the supplies are shipped to.
A.1.0 .4ShipTo_Ad dress11..1Ship To Address1Mandato ryString (Max length: 100)Flat No. 2, Priya Towers, Omega Road, Srinivasa NagarAddress 1 of the entity to whom the supplies are shipped to   (This field is mandatory only if this section is selected)
A.1.0 .5ShipTo_Ad dress20..1Ship To Address2OptionalString (Max length: 100)Flat No. 2, Priya Towers, Omega Road, Srinivasa NagarAddress 2, if any, of the entity to whom the supplies are shipped to
A.1.0 .6ShipTo_Pla ce1..1Ship To PlaceMandato ryString (Max length: 100)BangalorePlace (City/Town/Village) of entity to whom the supplies are shipped to.
       (This field is mandatory only if this section is selected)
A.1.0 .7ShipTo_Pin code1..1Ship To PincodeMandato ryNumber (Max length: 6)560001PIN code of the location to which the supplies are shipped to.   (This field is mandatory only if this section is selected)
A.1.0 .8Ship_To_St ate_Code1..1Ship To State CodeMandato ryEnumerated List29Code/State Code (as per GST System) to which the supplies are shipped to.
       List published and updated from  time to            time    at https://www.icegate.gov. in/Webappl/STATE_EN Q
       (This field is mandatory only    if    this    section           is selected)
A 1.1Dispatch From Details0..1   Optional  Header for Annexure A 1.1:Dispatch From Details
Sr. No.Parameter NameCardi nalityDescriptionWhethe r mandat ory or optionalField Specific ationsSample ValueExplanatory Notes
A.1.1 .1DispatchFr om_Name1..1Dispatch From NameMandato ryString (Max length:100)XYZ-2Name of the entity from which goods are dispatched.   (This field is mandatory
       only selected)if thissection is
A.1.1 .2DispatchFr om_Addres s11..1Dispatch From Address1Mandato ryString (Max length: 100)Building No. 4/2, Flat No. 3, Kakatiya Apartments, Vasanth NagarAddress 1 of the entity from which goods are dispatched.   (This field is mandatory only if this section is selected)
A.1.1DispatchFr0..1DispatchOptionalStringBuildingNo.Address 2 of the entity from
.3om_Addres From (Max length: 100)4/2, Flat No.which goods are dispatched.
 s2 Address2  3, Kakatiya 
A.1.1DispatchFr1..1DispatchMandatoStringBangalorePlace  (City/Town/Village)
.4om_Place From Placery(Max length: 100) of the entity from which
       goods are dispatched.
       (This field is only    if           this selected)mandatory section                is
A.1.1 .5DispatchFr om_State_ Code1..1Dispatch From State CodeMandato ryEnumerated List29Code/State Code of the entity (as per GST System), from which goods are dispatched.   List published and updated from time to            time    at https://www.icegate.gov. in/Webappl/STATE_EN Q   (This field is mandatory only if this section is
A.1.1 .6DispatchFr om_Pincod e1..1Dispatch FromPincodeMandato ryNumber (Length: 6)560087Pincode of the locality of entity from where goods are dispatched.
       (This field is mandatory only if this section is selected)
A 1.2Item Details1..n Mandat ory  Header for Annexure A 1.2:Item Details
Sr.ParameterCardiDescriptionWhetheFieldSampleExplanatory Notes
No.Namenality rSpecificationsValue 
    ory or   
A.1.2Sl_No.1..1SerialMandatoString (Max1,2,3Serial number of the item
.1  Numberrylength: 6)  
A.1.2 .2Item_Descr iption0..1Item DescriptionOptionalString (Max length: 300)MobileDescription of the item
A.1.2 .3Is_Service1..1ServiceMandato ryString (Length: 1)Y/NSpecify whether supply is service or not.
A.1.2 .4HSN_Code1..1HSN CodeMandato ryString (Max length: 8)1122To enter applicable HSN / SAC Code of Goods / Service
A.1.2 .5Batch Details0..1 OptionalRefer A 1.4 Some manufacturers may mention batch details (in Section A 1.4)
A.1.2 .6Barcode0..1BarcodeOptionalString (Max length: 30)b123Barcode, if any, of the item.
A.1.2 .7Quantity0..1QuantityOptionalNumber (Max length: 10,3)10The quantity of items to be mentioned in the invoice.   This is mandatory only in case of goods.
A.1.2 .8Free_Qty0..1Free QuantityOptionalNumber (Max length: 10,3)99Quantity of item(s), if any, given free of charge (FOC)
A.1.2 .9Unit_Of_M easurement0..1Unit of MeasurementOptionalString (Max length: 8)BoxThe Unit of Measurement (UOM), if any, applicable on invoiced goods.
A.1.2 .10Item_Price1..1Item PriceMandato ryNumber (Max length : 12,3)500.5Price per unit item.
A.1.2 .11Gross_Amo unt1..1Gross AmountMandato ryNumber (Max length : 12,2)5000The gross price of an item (cost multiplied by quantity – rounded off to 2 decimal), exclusive of taxes.
A.1.2 .12Item_Disco unt_Amoun t0..1Item Discount AmountOptionalNumber (Max length: 12,2)10.25Discount amount, if any, for the item.
A.1.2 .13Pre_Tax_V alue0..1Pre-Tax ValueOptionalNumber (Max length: 12,2)99.00If pre-tax value is different from taxable value, mention the pre-tax value and taxable values separately.   In some cases, the pre-tax value may be different from taxable value.   For example, where old goods are exchanged for new ones (e.g. new phone supplied for INR 20,000 along with exchange of old phone, then pre-tax value would be INR 20,000 and
       taxable value would be INR 24,000, assuming exchange value of old phone is 4,000.   Another example is in the case of real estate where pre-tax value may be different from taxable value.
A.1.2 .14Item_Taxab le_Value1..1Item Taxable ValueMandato ryNumber (Max length: 12,2)5000This is the value on which tax is computed. Value cannot be negative.
A.1.2 .15GST_Rate1..1GST RateMandato ryNumber (Max length: 3,3)5The GST rate, represented as percentage that applies to the invoiced item. It will be IGST rate or sum of CGST & SGST Rates.
A.1.2 .16IGST_Amt0..1IGST AmountOptionalNumber (Max Length: 12,2)999.45Amount of IGST payable per item (rounded off to 2 decimals). If IGST is reported, then CGST & SGST/UTGST will be blank. For taxable supplies, either IGST or CGST &SGST/UTGST should be reported.
A.1.2 .17CGST_Amt0..1CGST AmountOptionalNumber (Max Length: 12,2)650.00Amount of CGST payable per item (rounded off to 2 decimals).   If CGST is reported, then SGST/UTGST has to be reported and IGST will be blank.
A.1.2 .18SGST_UT GST Amt0..1SGST/UTGST AmountOptionalNumber (Max length: 12,2)650.00Amount of SGST/UTGST payable per item(rounded off to 2 decimals).   If   SGST/UTGST   is reported, then CGST must be reported and IGST will be blank.
A1.2. 19Comp_Cess _Rate_Ad_ valorem0..1Compensation Cess Rate, Ad_ValoremOptionalNumber (Max length: 3,3)2.5%Ad valorem Rate of GST Compensation Cess, applicable, if any
A1.2. 20Comp_Cess _Amt_ Ad_Valore m0..1Compensation Cess Amount, Ad ValoremOptionalNumber (Max length: 12,2)56.00GST            Compensation   Cess amount, ad valorem (rounded off to 2 decimals) (based on value of the item)
A1.2. 21Comp_Cess _Amt_Non _Ad_Valor em0..1Compensation Cess Amount, Non            ad valoremOptionalNumber (Max length:12,2)23.00GST Compensation Cess amount, computed on the basis other than value of item (i.e. specific cess amount computed based on quantity, number etc.)
A1.2. 22State_Cess _Rate_ad_v alorem0..1State Cess Rate, Ad ValoremOptionalNumber (Max length: 3,3)1.5 %Ad valorem Rate of State/UT Cess, applicable, if any
A1.2. 23State_Cess _Amt_Ad_ Valorem0..1State Cess Amount, ad valoremOptionalNumber (Max length: 12,2)43.00State/UT Cess amount, ad valorem (based on value of the item)
A1.2. 24State_Cess _Amt_Non _Ad_Valor em0..1State Cess Amount, non               ad valoremOptionalNumber (Max length: 12,2)12.00State/UT Cess amount, computed on the basis other than value of item (i.e. specific cess amount computed based on quantity, number etc.)
A.1.2 .25Other_Char ges_Item_L evel0..1Other Charges (item level)OptionalNumber (Max length: 12,2)874.95Any other charges applicable at item level.
       These may not be part of taxable value, e.g. in case of pure agent reimbursement.
A.1.2 .26Purchase_O rder_Line_ Reference0..1Purchase Order Line ReferenceOptionalString (Max length: 50)746/ABC/01Reference                       of                       Purchase Order Line
A.1.2 .27Item_Total _Amt1..1Item Total AmountMandato ryNumber (Max length: 12,2)5000The item total value that includes all taxes, cesses, as well as other charges.   However, this value excludes discount, if any.
A.1.2 .28Origin_Cou ntry_Code0..1Code of Country of OriginOptionalEnumerated ListDZThis is to specify country of origin of the item, e.g. mobile phone sold in India could be manufactured in other country;   Code of country of export as per ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 / Indian Customs EDI system (ICES).   List published and updated from time to time at https://www.icegate.gov.i n/Webappl/COUNTRY_ ENQ
A.1.2 .29Unique_Se rial_Numb er0..1Unique Serial NumberOptionalString (Max length: 20)553Serial number, in case of each item having a unique number.
A.1.2 .30Product_At tribute_Det ails  0..n  Optional  Refer A 1.5   Attribute details of product
A 1.3Document Total Details1..1   Mand atory  Header for Annexure A 1.3:Document Total Details
Sr. No.Parameter NameCardi nalityDescriptionWheth er manda tory or option alField Specific ationsSample ValueExplanatory Notes
A.1.3 .1Taxable_V alue_Total1..1Total Taxable ValueManda toryNumber (Max length: 14,2)768439.35This is the sum of the taxable values of all the items in the document.
A.1.3 .2IGST_Amt _Total0..1Total IGST AmountOption alNumber                         (Max length : 14,2)265.50Total IGST amount for the invoice.   Appropriate taxes based on rule will be applicable.   For example, either of CGST & SGST/UTGST or IGST will be mandatory.   As      this     is          conditional mandatory, it is marked as „optional‟
A.1.3 .3CGST_Am _Total0..1Total CGST AmountOption alNumber                         (Max length: 14,2)65.45Total CGST amount for the invoice.   Appropriate taxes based on rule will be applicable.   For example, either of CGST & SGST/UTGST or IGST will be mandatory.   As     this     is         conditional
       mandatory, it is marked as „optional‟
A.1.3 .4SGST_UT GST_Amt _Total0..1Total SGST/UTGS T AmountOption alNumber                         (Max length : 14,2)65.45Total SGST/UTGST amount for the invoice.   Appropriate taxes based on rule will be applicable. For example, either of CGST & SGST/UTGST or IGST will be mandatory.   As       it       is           conditional mandatory, it is marked as „optional‟
A.1.3 .5Comp_Ces s_Amt_Tot al0..1Total Compensation Cess AmountOption alNumber                         (Max length : 14,2)24.95Total GST Compensation Cess amount for the invoice (ad valorem as well as non- ad valorem)
A.1.3 .6State_Cess _Amt_Tota l0..1Total State Cess AmountOption alNumber                         (Max length : 14,2)5.45Total State cess amount for the invoice (ad valorem as well as non-ad valorem)
A.1.3.7Discount_ Amt_Invoi ce_Level0..1Invoice Level Discount AmountOption alNumber                         (Max length: 14,2)100.00This is Discount Amount, if any, applicable on total invoice value
A.1.3.8Other_Cha rges_Invoi ce_Level0..1Other Charges (Invoice Level)Option alNumber(Max length: 14,2)200.00This is Other charges, if any, applicable on total invoice value
A.1.3.9Round_Off _Amount0..1Round Off AmountOption alNumber (Max length: 2,2)31.21This is round off amount of total invoice value
A.1. 3.10Total_Invo ice_Value_ INR1..1Total              Invoice Value in INRManda toryNumber                         (Max length: 14,2)745249678.5 0The total value of invoice including taxes/GST and rounded to two decimals maximum.
A.1. 3.11Total_Invo ice_Value_ FCNR0..1Total Invoice Value in FCNROption alNumber                         (Max length: 14,2)$5729.65The total value of invoice in Additional Currency
A.1.3. 12Paid_Amou nt0..1Paid AmountOption alNumber (Max length:14,2)8463.50The amount, if any, which has been paid in advance.   It     must    be       rounded       to maximum 2 decimals.
A.1.3. 13Amount_D ue_0..1Amount DueOption alNumber (Max length:14,2)98789.50The outstanding amount due for payment. It must be rounded to maximum 2 decimals.
A 1.4Batch Details0..1 Optio nal  Header for Annexure A 1.4:Batch Details
Sr. No.Parameter NameCardi nalityDescriptionWheth er mand atory or option alField Specific ationsSample ValueExplanatory Notes
A.1.4 .1Batch_Nu mber1..1Batch NumberManda toryString (Max Length: 20)673927Certain set of manufacturers may mention batch number details. (This field is mandatory only if this section is selected)
A.1.4 .2Batch_Exp iry_ Date0..1Batch Expiry DateOption alString (DD/MM/YYYY)21/11/2019Expiry Date of the Batch, if any
A.1.4 .3Warranty_ Date0..1Warranty DateOption alString (DD/MM/YYYY)21/11/2019Warranty date for the Item, if any.
A 1.5Attribute Details of Item0..n Optio nal  Header for Annexure A 1.5:Attribute Details of Item
Sr. No.Parameter NameCardi nalityDescriptionWheth er mand atory or option alField Specific ationsSample ValueExplanatory notes
A.1.5 .1Attribute_ Name0..1Attribute NameOption alString (Max Length: 100)ColourAttribute Name of the item.
A.1.5 .2Attribute_ Value0..1Attribute ValueOption alString (Max Length: 100)Red, green, etc.Attribute Value of item.‖.

Read More: NOTIFICATION No. 06/2024 – Central Tax: Seeks to notify “Public Tech Platform for Frictionless Credit” as the system with which information may be shared by the common portal based on consent under sub-section (2) of Section 158A of the CGST Act, 2017.

Web Stories: NOTIFICATION No. 06/2024 – Central Tax: Seeks to notify “Public Tech Platform for Frictionless Credit” as the system with which information may be shared by the common portal based on consent under sub-section (2) of Section 158A of the CGST Act, 2017.

Official Income Tax Return filing website: https://incometaxindia.gov.in/