Important Keyword: FORM GST REG-28, provisional registration.
Table of Contents
[See rule 24(3)]
Reference No. – << Date–DD/MM/YYYY>> To
Name Address
GSTIN /Provisional ID
Application Reference No. (ARN) Dated – DD/MM/YYYY
Order for cancellation of provisional registration
This has reference to your reply dated —- in response to the notice to show cause dated —–.
Whereas no reply to notice to show cause has been submitted; or
Whereas on the day fixed for hearing you did not appear; or
Whereas the undersigned has examined your reply and submissions made at the time of hearing, and is of the opinion that your provisional registration is liable to be cancelled for following reason(s).
Determination of amount payable pursuant to cancellation of provisional registration: Accordingly, the amount payable by you and the computation and basis thereof is as follows: You are required to pay the following amounts on or before————————————————————————————– (date) failing
which the amount will be recovered in accordance with the provisions of the Act and rules made thereunder.
Head | Central Tax | State Tax | UT Tax | Integrated Tax | Cess |
Tax | |||||
Interest | |||||
Penalty | |||||
Others | |||||
Total |
< Name of the Officer>
Designation Jurisdiction
Official Income Tax Return filing website: