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FORM-GST-RFD-01 B: Refund Order details

by | Jul 14, 2024 | GST, Forms | 0 comments

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Important Keyword: FORM-GST-RFD-01 B, Refund Order details.


[See rules 91(2), 92(1), 92(3), 92(4), 92(5) and 97A]

Refund Order details
2.GSTIN / Temporary ID 
3.Legal Name 
4.Filing Date 
5.Reason of Refund 
6.Financial Year 
8.Order No.: 
9.Order issuance Date: 
10.Payment Advice No.: 
11.Payment Advice Date: 
  12.Refund Issued To :Drop down: Taxpayer / Consumer Welfare Fund
13.Issued by: 
  15.Type of OrderDrop Down: RFD- 04/ 06/ 07 (Part A)
  16.Details of Refund Amount (As per the manually issued Order): 
DescriptionIntegrated TaxCentral TaxState/ UT taxCess
  a. Refund amount claimed                        
b. Refund Sanctioned on provisional basis                        
c. Remaining Amount                        
  d. Refund amount in-admissible                        
  e. Gross amount to be paid                        
  f. Interest (if any)                        
  g. Amount adjusted against outstanding demand under the existing law or under the Act                        
  h. Net amount to be paid                        
17.Attachments (Orders) RFD-04; RFD- 06; RFD 07 (Part A)
Date: Place: Signature (DSC): Name: Designation: Office Address: ‖

1. Inserted by Notification No. 55/2017-CT dated 15.11.2017.

Read More: NOTIFICATION No. 06/2024 – Central Tax: Seeks to notify “Public Tech Platform for Frictionless Credit” as the system with which information may be shared by the common portal based on consent under sub-section (2) of Section 158A of the CGST Act, 2017.

Web Stories: NOTIFICATION No. 06/2024 – Central Tax: Seeks to notify “Public Tech Platform for Frictionless Credit” as the system with which information may be shared by the common portal based on consent under sub-section (2) of Section 158A of the CGST Act, 2017.

Official Income Tax Return filing website: https://incometaxindia.gov.in/