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Accelerated Benefits: Accessing Life Insurance Payouts Before Death

by | Jun 12, 2023 | FinTech Articles | 0 comments

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Important keywords: accelerated benefits, life insurance, early payout, terminal illness, long-term high-cost illness, nursing home confinement, medically incapacitating health condition, financial support, tax implications.


  1. Introduction to Accelerated Benefits
  2. Understanding How Accelerated Benefits Work
  3. Events That Trigger Accelerated Benefits
  4. Percentage of Payout and Proximity to Death
  5. Benefits of Availing Accelerated Benefits
  6. The Origin of Accelerated Benefits
  7. Tax Implications of Accelerated Benefits
  8. Examples of Diseases Considered for Accelerated Benefits
  9. Key Takeaways
  10. Conclusion

Sub-headings, short paragraphs, and bullets:

Introduction to Accelerated Benefits:

  • Accelerated benefits are provisions in life insurance policies that allow policyholders to receive a payout before their death.
  • These benefits can be accessed in situations such as terminal illness, long-term high-cost illness, permanent nursing home confinement, and medically incapacitating health conditions.

Understanding How Accelerated Benefits Work:

  • Accelerated benefits provide a way for insured individuals to access funds to cover living expenses during unexpected circumstances that make them unable to work.
  • If the insured person passes away within the term of the policy, their family will still receive the sum assured.

Events That Trigger Accelerated Benefits:

  • Terminal illness: When the insured person is diagnosed with a terminal illness and has a limited life expectancy.
  • Long-term high-cost illness: When the insured person requires extensive medical treatment for a severe and costly illness.
  • Permanent nursing home confinement: When the insured person needs long-term care in a nursing home due to physical or mental impairments.
  • Medically incapacitating health condition: When the insured person is unable to perform daily activities due to a health condition.

Percentage of Payout and Proximity to Death:

  • The percentage of the death benefit that can be received as an accelerated benefit varies depending on the insurance company’s terms.
  • The proximity to death is a significant factor in determining the payout. The closer the insured person is to death, the higher the percentage of the death benefit that can be accessed.

Benefits of Availing Accelerated Benefits:

  • Accelerated benefits provide financial support to cover daily living expenses during times of illness or incapacity.
  • If the insured person passes away, the payout can help support the family members financially.

The Origin of Accelerated Benefits:

  • Accelerated benefits were first introduced in the 1980s to assist individuals diagnosed with AIDS, reducing their financial burden.

Tax Implications of Accelerated Benefits:

  • If the insured person is expected to pass away within the next two years, the accelerated benefits received are usually tax-free.

Examples of Diseases Considered for Accelerated Benefits:

  • Any disease that significantly reduces a person’s lifespan can be considered for accelerated benefits.
  • Examples include terminal cancer, end-stage renal disease, advanced heart disease, and neurodegenerative disorders.

Key Takeaways:

  • Accelerated benefits allow policyholders to access a portion of their life insurance payout before death.
  • These benefits provide financial support during times of illness, incapacity, or the need for long-term care.
  • The percentage of the death benefit that can be accessed and the tax implications vary depending on the insurance company and circumstances.


  • Accelerated benefits offer a valuable option for policyholders to access funds when faced with serious illnesses or incapacitating conditions.
  • By understanding the eligibility criteria and benefits associated with accelerated benefits, individuals can make informed decisions when choosing life insurance policies.

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