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ITR Filing Starts Only

GST Return Filing Starts Only

FORM-GST-RFD-06: Refund Sanction/Rejection Order

by | Jul 16, 2024 | GST, Forms | 0 comments

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Important Keyword: FORM-GST-RFD-06, Refund Sanction, Rejection Order.


[See rule 92(1), 92(3), 92(4), 92(5) & 96(7)]

Order No.:                                                                                                                                    Date:



                        (GSTIN/ UIN/ Temporary ID)



Show cause notice No. (If applicable)

Acknowledgement No. …………                                                        Dated ………<DD/MM/YYYY>

Refund Sanction/Rejection Order


This has reference to your above mentioned application for refund filed under section 54 of the Act*/ interest on refund*.

<< reasons, if any, for granting or rejecting refund >>

Upon examination of your application, the amount of refund sanctioned to you, after adjustment of dues (where applicable) is as follows:

*Strike out whichever is not applicable

DescriptionIntegrated TaxCentral TaxState/ UT taxCess
1. Amount of refund/interest* claimed                        
2. Refund sanctioned on provisional basis (Order No….date) (if applicable)                        
3. Refund amount inadmissible <<reason dropdown>> <Multiple reasons to be allowed>                        
4. Gross amount to be paid (1-2-3)                        
5. Amount adjusted against outstanding demand (if any) under the existing law or under the Act. Demand                 Order                        
No…… date……, Act Period <Multiple rows possible- add row to be given>                        
6. Net amount to be paid                        

Note – ‘T’ stands Tax; ‘I’ stands for Interest; ‘P’stands for Penalty; ‘F’ stands for Fee and ‘O’ stands for Others

*Strike out whichever is not applicable

&1. I hereby sanction an amount of INR__________ to M/s ____________having GSTIN ________________  under sub-section (5) of section 54) of the Act/under section 56 of the Act@ @Strike out whichever is not applicable

  • #and the amount is to be paid to the bank account specified by him in his application;
  • the amount is to be adjusted towards recovery of arrears as specified at serial number 5 of the Table above;
  • an amount of—- rupees is to be adjusted towards recovery of arrears as specified at serial number 5 of

the Table above and the remaining amount of—- rupees is to be paid to the bank account specified by

him in his application# . .

#Strike-out whichever is not applicable.


&2. I hereby credit an amount of INR_____________ to Consumer Welfare Fund under sub-section (…) of Section (…) of the Act. .

&3. I hereby reject an amount of INR_______________  to M/s  __________________  having GSTIN  _________________ under sub-section (…) of Section (…) of the Act.

&Strike-out whichever is not applicable

Date:                                                                                                                              Signature (DSC):

Place:                                                                                                                             Name:

Designation: Office Address:

1. Substituted (w.e.f. 01.07.2017) by Notification No. 15/2017-CT dated 01.07.2017.

Read More: NOTIFICATION No. 06/2024 – Central Tax: Seeks to notify “Public Tech Platform for Frictionless Credit” as the system with which information may be shared by the common portal based on consent under sub-section (2) of Section 158A of the CGST Act, 2017.

Web Stories: NOTIFICATION No. 06/2024 – Central Tax: Seeks to notify “Public Tech Platform for Frictionless Credit” as the system with which information may be shared by the common portal based on consent under sub-section (2) of Section 158A of the CGST Act, 2017.

Official Income Tax Return filing website: https://incometaxindia.gov.in/