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FORM GST RFD-07: Order for withholding the refund

by | Jul 16, 2024 | GST, Forms | 0 comments

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Important Keyword: FORM GST RFD-07, refund.


[See rules 92(2) & 96(6)]

Reference No.                                                                                                               Date: <DD/MM/YYYY>


                        (GSTIN/UIN/Temp. ID)



———————— (ARN)

Order for withholding the refund

Refund payable to the taxpayer with respect to ARN specified above are hereby withheld in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (10)/ (11) of section 54 of the CGST Act, 2017. The reasons for withholding are given as under:

S. No.Particulars
2Amount Claimed in RFD-01<Auto-populated>
3Amount Inadmissible in RFD-06<Auto-populated>
4Amount Adjusted in RFD-06<Auto-populated>
5Amount Withheld 
6Reasons for withholding (More than one reason can be selected)Recoverable dues not paidIn view of sub-section 11 of Section 54On account of fraud (s) of serious natureOthers, (specify)
7Description of the reasons(Up to 500 characters, separate file can be attached for detailed reasons)
8Record of Personal Hearing(Up to 500 characters, separate file can be attached for detailed records)
Order for release of withheld refund

This has reference to your refund application <ARN> dated <date> against which the payment of refund amount sanctioned vide order <RFD-06 order no> dated <date> was withheld by this office order <Order Reference No> dated

<date>. It has been now found to my satisfaction that the conditions for withholding of refund no longer exist and therefore, the refund amount withheld is hereby allowed to be released as given under:

S. No.Particulars
2Amount Claimed in RFD-01<Auto-populated>
3Amount Inadmissible in RFD-06<Auto-populated>
4Amount Adjusted in RFD-06<Auto-populated>
5Amount Withheld in RFD-07 A<Auto-populated>
6Amount Released 
7Amount to be Paid 

Date:                                                                                                                              Signature (DSC):

Place:                                                                                                                             Name:

Designation: Office Address: ]

1. Substituted vide Notification No. 15/2021-CT dated 18.05.2021.

Read More: NOTIFICATION No. 06/2024 – Central Tax: Seeks to notify “Public Tech Platform for Frictionless Credit” as the system with which information may be shared by the common portal based on consent under sub-section (2) of Section 158A of the CGST Act, 2017.

Web Stories: NOTIFICATION No. 06/2024 – Central Tax: Seeks to notify “Public Tech Platform for Frictionless Credit” as the system with which information may be shared by the common portal based on consent under sub-section (2) of Section 158A of the CGST Act, 2017.

Official Income Tax Return filing website: https://incometaxindia.gov.in/